Last week during breaks, I've been working on a memega. It's a dumb satire on weekly spoiler tweaking. I'm having second thoughts whether people will find it offensive. It's definitely not meant to be. I honestly just enjoy joking around with everybody. And I want to spread some laughs as y'all are waiting for spoilers to drop. I'll post the 2 chapters I have now, and if it's out of bounds I'm asking the mods to delete it.
The memega's title is "Fiends vs Providers" 
@Natalija @dirtyLarry @Lance_Dragonite @MonsterZoro @HAJIKING @AdmiralKinyagi @TheAncientCenturion @Seth @Kejon @Tyki_Mikk @Peroroncino @ScotchInformer @Finalbeta @minamoto @Topi Jerami @S.W317 @lee33 @Thururuzao @LuffyMazino @mly90 @HA001 @Reborn @solis @PuckTheGreat @DruMzTV @Doggo @Ghostly Reflections @Master OF Haki @Arondight @Pot Goblin @Fuckthis3 @Chrono @Sasparan @SDfear @zzShinichi @YASER @Red Dog @Jailer @MonsterKaido @Roronoa-sama @AL sama @Gol D. Roger @Garp the Fist @Jiihad @Van @Worst @RayanOO
