The west basically dared Russia into Ukraine now they are daring China and Russia together. The east is going to surpass the west, they can do it peacefully or violently. America needs to keep its nose out of it. well, actually it's too late for that. Ukraine should have signed a treaty saying they wouldn't join Nato for a set number of years. America is what it is and what it's become. We won't fight a war for someone else without something to gain and we never cared about Ukraine. In fact, once Putin takes Kyiv we probably will just move on. that's actually in everyone's best interest. Putin isn't some crazy dictator and he won't start invading other countries. Too many people were calling Russia a declining world power and sanctioned his country into poverty. recently they have sanctioned china into declining and nobody is mentioning brics and the fact that these countries are determined to surpass the west.
Russia has just as much right to invade Ukraine as America did to invade Iraq. These idiots in western countries don't need to try and match wits with Putin it's not going to end well. I think this whole thing will blow over once Putin takes over ukraine and turns it into a military base.