You really gonna make me gas Zoro huh?
Killer got a sneak move on him that was his only hit. After that he was so weak that he couldn't pull the scythe outta Zoro and Zoro did it casually and rekt him. Killer definetly looked weaker in that fight. I didn't see any of them on the same level during that fight.

Killer got a sneak move on him that was his only hit. After that he was so weak that he couldn't pull the scythe outta Zoro and Zoro did it casually and rekt him. Killer definetly looked weaker in that fight. I didn't see any of them on the same level during that fight.
Killer is the Zoro of Kid's crew, they can't be that far apart. To me they looked like equals, even though Zoro technically won the fight.