yeah yeah
luffy and zoro needed to escape from hawkins lmao because they needed to "escape".
max he had was 10 lives,
lost three in the short clash
law did a way with a lot of his fodder in an instant.
got off paneled
watched like a bitch while killer and kid fought till they were out
get lawkins tip off your lips.
Do you even read the manga? You're just straight up lying lmao :seriously:

Hawkins never actually lost. He managed to hold his own against Luffy and Zoro at the same time and then captured Law.
That is impressive.
Do you even read the manga? You're just straight up lying lmao :seriously:

Hawkins never actually lost. He managed to hold his own against Luffy and Zoro at the same time and then captured Law.
That is impressive.
luffy held otama while zoro said he will handle this
he shot out nails
zoro said enough of this and one shot his scarecrow monster
you dont see damage on hawkins cause thats his ability
in reality oda through otsuru also pointed out he lost the duel. his face at the end of it says it all. and law ended him off panel. he captured law through hostages. yeah what bitch feat.
hawkins ten lives depends on his fodder followers
meaning it doesnt even take a named attack to take one. this isnt like cracker at all where luffy needed g4 attacks to take one out.
pretty easy to deal with .lets hope he can be useful by boosting others in the fight and not sit back reading probability of coming out alive.
If they stayed Zoro is easily gets to his base form within 5-7 minutes
Not even close. Zoro might be able to get Hawkins off his precious legendary deer, but he won't even manage to hurt him. If they both go all out, Hawkins will be the victor and he will probably still have 2 or 1 lives left. You must understand that Hawkins' abilities are hax, so Zoro being faster than Hawkins won't really play a huge role in this specific fight.