How many more times will Luffy lose to Kaido?

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I think the parallels to Ryuma are properly established and fine. I'm not saying ZKK has 0 proof I don't recall saying that in any of my previous messages

I just don't see how ZKK could be written well at this point. There is no way for Oda to bring Zoro back and have him kill Kaido without some sort of asspull
Oh I'm not really on board of zkk either.

I'm just mentioning how it makes sense in Wano if it was another place nope.

We didn't know bout the mink medicine, caribou having an absurd amount of food and just being where Luffy was falling or law/kid having awakening out sudden ,etc.
Wano is already in another leagues asspull wise


Alright, since these Chapters are more & more convincing me that my Story Analysis is correct, i will share an explanation as to why Oda made Kaidou win like that

Do you guys remember Skypiea? I won't reveal all the Clues that led me to this Theory, so i will go straight to the point.
During Skypiea, we had a Flashback about Calgara & Noland. How was their last scene together?
It was by making a Promise, a Promise that was left Unfulfilled for hundreds of Years
But the Treasure that marked such Promise remained awaiting for someone to find it, which is The Golden Bell

So the Story was very simple, Straw Hats meet the Descendant of Noland on Jaya who helps them get to Skypiea, who also showed them Piece of the Gold that was once in Shandia. Skypiea Arc then happens & it ends with Luffy finding Golden Bell & ringing it to fulfill Noland/Calgara's Lost Promise (This Golden Bell also happens to be the only piece of Gold that Enel didn't get his hands on)

What if i tell you the same Story applies on Wano Arc
Two Ancient Figures met on Onigashima, something happened between them but at the end of it, they made a Promise
A Promise that unfortunately ended up being unfulfilled. But the Piece of Treasure that marked their Promise remained till today.

Enough teasing, here is the Story:

A Powerful Pirate once set foot on Onigashima (It wasn't called like that back then, as Marco already revealed Onigashima is a New Name).
This Pirate met the inhabitants of this Island & he faced their Leader or at least the Strongest of them (Joy Boy?).
After some Drama & Talk No Jutsu, the Pirate & Onigashima Leader started fighting (Basically Luffy vs Kaidou)
A Battle so Legendary, so Epic, basically a Superior Version of Dorry vs Brogy.

However, the Pirate Lost the Fight because of the Sun !!
A Ray of Light distracted the Pirate & ended up giving the Win to Onigashima Leader (Joy Boy?)
Which he obviously disliked so much, so after some Laughter & Partying, the Duo decided to wear a Hat, but not just any Hat
It's a Hat that protects from the Sun, a Straw Hat, which marks the Unfulfillment of their Battle.
Onigashima Leader had the Giant Hat & Pirate had the Smaller Hat (Remember Ace & Oars Jr.? Well that was a Hint)

However they didn't have a Re-Match, instead the Pirate had to leave (For another Plot) & he promised to return & continue their Fight, he also promised he would bring Sake from his Home Island. Are you starting to understand who am i talking about?
His Descendant would later meet Luffy on an Island that would mark the Beginning of his Journey to fulfill the Straw Hat Promise, an Island where Onigashima once was located, just like Shandia was once connected to Jaya.

I'm talking about Red-Hair Shanks, the one who Roger gave his Straw Hat to cuz it belonged to him by Family Right, because his Ancestor is the same Pirate who fought Joy Boy. Do you know what is Upper Yard (Shandia) Original Name? It's Jaya. So do you understand now, what is Onigashima's Original Name? It's Dawn Island, same as the Island where Luffy & Shanks met (Who represents Cricket in this case)
You don't believe me? Go check Dawn Island Design & tell me if Onigashima Skull doesn't perfectly fit there

So what happened to Shanks Ancestor, why wasn't he able to return to Dawn Island to meet Joy Boy?
Well, he was a Pirate Captain carrying Sake, going from one corner of the world to another, but something stopped him, does this ring a bell?
That's right, it's Bink's Sake Song, Shanks Ancestor Crew are the ones who wrote that Song as something Catastrophic happened in the World preventing them from reaching their Destination, leaving that Promise Unfulfilled, just like Noland/Calgara.
(This is also why Oda made Sake from Shanks Home Island the only one highlighted in a Scene in the entire Story.)

What about the Giant Straw Hat? Well just like Golden Bell which was with rest of Gold, this Straw Hat was next to Objects like it, have we seen Giant Objects in Onigashima? Yes, Oda literally showed them right at the Entrance.
However the Villain took over the entire Island & changed it's Name to match his Authority & acquired everything on it, except that Special Treasure that was part of Old Promise. (Golden Bell wasn't on Shandia & it was lost on Skypiea, so same thing happened to Giant Straw Hat, it actually flew away from Onigashima & fell on Wano, no one found it though for Hundreds of Years, including Villain)

Where is it then on Wano? Well, remember Black Maria's Song? She sang about the Two who failed to meet (Who are Joy Boy & Shanks Ancestor), but do you know what the Anime did? During that Song, they showed Onigashima & Ringo Region. Could it be that Giant Straw Hat is buried deep in the snow of Ringo?! Well, Im-Sama was shown looking at it in his Secret Room, did Oda draw it with Snow on it? You bet he did !!

So to wrap this up:

Jaya = Dawn Island
Noland & Calgara = Shanks Ancestor & Joy Boy
Golden Bell = Giant Straw Hat
Cricket = Shanks
Shandia got teleported from Jaya to Skypiea = Skull Dome got taken from Dawn Island to Wano Country
Enel changed it's name to God's Land (Upper Yard) = Kaidou changed it's name to Oni Land (Onigashima)

I could go into much much more Detail, but i just wanted to share the general Idea since Wano is close to an End.
But just wanna add one last thing, Golden Bell was next to Poneglyph which was actually the Real Treasure that Shandians protected.
Does that mean Giant Straw Hat is also next to a Bigger Treasure?

Skypiea Poneglyph was a Guide to find Poseidon
How could a Straw Hat carry a Guide? Well, Oda answered that question long ago, when he created Viver Cards & made them suitable to be hidden inside the Straw Hat (Such as Ace's). And again Oda highlighted Viver Card as part of Promise between Ace & Yamato (Who actually were a foreshadowing to Shanks Ancestor & Joy Boy meeting)

So when Straw Hats gonna find Giant Straw Hat in Ringo, there will be a Viver Card inside which will guide them to their next Mystery.
But wait, doesn't Viver Cards lead to People? And if it still exists, doesn't it mean the Owner is Alive?
That's right, Straw Hats are gonna meet ......... TBC
Nope, Shanks is the underworld's kingpin.
Nah you're wrong. A rubber punch will put him down for good. It won't kill him mind you, but he'll never come back to Wano cause Luffy stopped him that 1 time. Peak writing
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Cry freak
Yeah,you are right. Kaido is the type to retire to the East Blue after getting embarrassed with his N.1882182887419844901 loss.
Oh I'm not really on board of zkk either.

I'm just mentioning how it makes sense in Wano if it was another place nope.

We didn't know bout the mink medicine, caribou having an absurd amount of food and just being where Luffy was falling or law/kid having awakening out sudden ,etc.
Wano is already in another leagues asspull wise
But this is a top 1 arc for some people lol

Too much nonsense for it to be anywhere near my favorite
You're only now finding it ridiculous that he recovers from eating a shit ton of meat?

This is not anything new, he did the same shit in impel down and way before that.

Nothing wrong with being K.Od Kaido from the current Strongest Character in the series.
In Impel down, his recovery is mainly attributed to Ivankov's healing ability. IRRC he didn't start asking for food until he basically fought the poison for like a day with Ivankov's healing. He also didn't immediately recover and then having an extended fight with a top-tier opponent. He fought some fodders and had a few clashes with Blackbeard and Magellan before getting on the ship to Marineford.

Like I said, there is nothing wrong with being KOed by Kaido, its that how many times its happened with kind of shoddy recovery logic (when there is literally multiple other options build in like Marco/Minks etc.) imo that I don't like.
How can Oda heal him fast enough in a way that makes sense? Explain that to me and I'll accept ZKK with no issue

Why do you keep putting words in my mouth? I never said any of this
Marco, Chopper, Mink doctor hell wait for Oda to explain it. I 100% do not give a fuck if you accept it lmao, get off that high horse 🤣.

Again I ask explain what good writing would be in stopping Kaido Mr critic.
luffy hasn't been knocked out in this chapter (or at least it doesn't appear in the spoiler, unlike when he was knocked out in the spoiler) and the zorobois say it would be bad writing if luffy still beats kaido.

but it is good writing if zoro, after showing himself unconscious and about to die, falling into the void without doing anything to avoid it, gets up, eats meat, takes serve, drinks the mink medicine again, has another power up and defeats an emperor while luffy is defeated.

wow, they've outdone themselves. this is not bad writing lol
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