How many more times will Luffy lose to Kaido?

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Gorosei Informer

the fanarts are funny and sad at the same time :risitavirus:

i think he kept orochi around because it was advantageous, like he told yamato that orochi has a talent for exploitation, and he turned wano into a great weapon factory.
i find it weird why did he killed orochi now given that he recently lost doflamingo who was providing him with smile fruits, but i guess he was really expecting yamato to take over and succeed orochi, which is not a wise decision.
i don't think the alliance with big mom was the reason for killing orochi because "new onigaashima initiative" was something he planed for in secret (it's also quite confusing because black maria knew about it to some extent, yet king said that he was tipped off by some anonymous source about kaido and yamato situation), kaido is keeping secrets even from his own lead performers.

kaido had a very lacking leadership portrayal throughout wano, the only things he's good at are "drinking and fighting", we saw how awkward he was as a leader during the big mom invasion and also when king summoned the flying six, it looks to me the king was the one running things while kaido was always drunk.

and of course there was something wrong going on with the rocks pirates, they're all traumatized by whatever happened during their time together, that most of them have trust issues. i believe big mom was the culprit as she was already conspiring against rocks long before their downfall, plus she has a nack for destroying anything she's involved with, she even had hidden motive behind her alliance with kaido.
i just don't understand why of all living people kaido only trusts completely in big mom (he trusted oden's naivety).
Aye haha, they are very bittersweet.

That's true, Orochi was amazing at manipulation and getting others to do his bidding and be his bitch, much like himself lmfao. That really bothered me too, he just suddenly kills Orochi out of nowhere and as you said after losing Doffy too? Yeah, Yamato is hell bent on not being Shogun despite Kaido's insistence, when will he learn? Typical boomers/stubborn ossans lmfao.

(BRO WHAT?! Its not for lewd reasons either surprisingly lmfao!)

Yeah that is really weird in regards to Kaido and his lead performers, to have Maria know more than King does? Wtf? Kaido has a really weird relationship with his crew but I guess its due to his lack of trust issues? The Flying 6 don't respect King at all, Ulti shit talks Kaido a lot like a rebellious teenage daughter hating her dad (although he already gets that with Yamato and for understandable reasons lmfao and he did adopt Ulti ofc) and Maria is only 1 year older than Yamato but but seems to be close with Kaido which is creepy and gross as fuck imo.

I thought Kaido and King would be extremely close but nah? Wtf? Kaido seems very contradictory and confusing tbh.

That's true, he completely panicked when the BM pirates arrived. Yeah, King is the one who does all the hard work and isn't respected, keeps everyone together but gets treated like shite and Kaido gets the credit, has the authority and respect and this kinda sounds like Orochi and I guess "Kyoshiro"? Also Spandam and Lucci and now Lucci again as CP0, who is a bitch for the Celestials now directly?

Absolutely, that God Valley incident must have really scarred them or something. Captain John was ex-Rocks and murdered by his crew for hoarding all his treasure, given what we heard about Rocks and BM is a gangster/mafioso woman too, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Rocks crew who killed him. Or I guess his crew post Rocks? Kinda parallels how Blackbeard and his crew filled Whitebeard with bullets, use guns a lot ofc and now are stationed at "Fullalead Island" or if you prefer, Beehive or Hachinosu and whatever other names it has ofc!

Ah yeah that does make sense, she was telling Kaido to not trust the crew and even Xebec I think. She could have manipulated and tricked them all for sure, she had ambitions to rule the world and such ofc. I'm guess he trusted her as he was so young and she could manipulate him back then, even groom him for her cause and ambitions and he hasn't really questioned it for some reason? But when she came to Wano, he said he would kill her and they did fight and such? They have such a weird relationship honestly.

Yeah. It would actually be nice, honestly because Drake really has been getting beaten down A LOT and this has got to be an incredibly taxing and stressful experience that is constantly drawing on his willpower to survive against these odds.

It's almost suspicious now that you bring up awakening for Drake and it's been tossed around before - even a YTer considered Drake to have it already actually- but we won't know unless it's explicitly stated.

I also believe that Drake deserves a comeback and soon--there's only so far down a character can go and the majority of people--not even to mention fans can only take to much before they decide to associate a character with negativity.
Yeah exactly! This would be the most logical way for him to awaken, all that pressure, stress, abuse and such, literally fighting for his life, to suvive against all the odds. Man I'm even more hyped for this idea now and hoping it does happen!

Ah nice! I thought Drake would be the dark horse of the Tobi Roppo and even the SNs, Oda hyped him pre TS ofc vs the Pacifistas and he's playable in Pirate Warriors 4 too, so I thought Oda would be hyping Drake and making him look great in the story to come, sigh.

Let's hope Oda is saving Zoan awakenings for Drake as well as Kaido at this point imo, it would explain a lot.
Laws fodder
All he got done is sneak attacks
It's embarrassing you even talking like he done shit
The MVP vs a Yonko, fodder???
What manga do u even read dude lol??
Ur hero beat a worthless Y1C, the same trash that can’t scratch top tiers with entire armies, an sneak attacks.
Kaido Ling captain, an Cp0 all give no fucks about his defeat. An to top it off Zoro best attacks are noticeable weaker then Laws awakening. What are we even discussing here
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