How many more times will Luffy lose to Kaido?

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Kid : Let's take care Of Kaido
Law : my will power can't do that :gokulaugh:
Kid/Law beat a Yonko. I know it hurts but get over it lls.

Big mom didn't use Adv CoC and she tanked all of Law's trash ass attacks with midd just to be ended by a BomB + Kazenbo who is the true MVP :gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
Kaido did in hybrid mode, Law tanked anyway. It wasn’t used because it wouldn’t change anything. Oh no, a Yonko survived Laws attacks. Still did significantly more then anything Zoro attacks showed

Low and midd used all of their Strongest attack against an adv CoCless Top tier who gave them her back and using sneak attacks just to not beat her at all and just relying on the battlefield removale to eliminate her :gokulaugh:
Gave them her back? Way to make shit up as u go along lol. Butthurt huh?
narrative says Winners Law/Kid.


Zoro Worshipper
Doesn't matter. two more Thunder Bagua.
BTW your hate for Kaido is so apparent.
Lmfao before or after Zoro scarred Kaido worse than Oden would achieve? Not to mention those would not suffice for how good a relatively healthy Zoro's barrier haki would have meant to be
That 5th shadow was rocks himself...seriously?

Like dude are you trying? And who did BM, Kaido and WB beat to earn their emperor position? And BB didn't even beat an emperor(fairly). All he beat was Marco.
Yea the 5th shadow was ROCKS himself in a panel that shows the FORMER ROCKS members, years after ROCKS DIED

Are YOU even trying?

WB/Kaido/BM are OG Emperors
BB became Emperor because WB died
The MVP vs a Yonko, fodder???
What manga do u even read dude lol??
Ur hero beat a worthless Y1C, the same trash that can’t scratch top tiers with entire armies. Kaido his captain, an Cp0 all give no fucks about his defeat. An his best attacks are noticeable weaker then Laws awakening. What are we even discussing here
Cheerleader Low's punk ass got the weakest Emperor that also happens to be the comic relief Meme of top tiers, as a team fight with random bombs dealing more damage than his Incel Wille, how can it get more embarrassing than that for Low's autistic fangirls? :steef:
Cheerleader Low's punk ass got the weakest Emperor that also happens to be the comic relief Meme of top tiers, as a team fight with random bombs dealing more damage than his Incel Wille, how can it get more embarrassing than that for Low's autistic fangirls? :steef:
Why’s a BB fan talkin? This loser so mid he was irrelevant in his own era lls. He’s only recently gain fame, thro cheating an pussying tactics. The losers best feats beating Marco with his crew
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