How many more times will Luffy lose to Kaido?

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Yeah. He mostly likely will have more significance I a future role with what he has going on in SWORD and how that relates to the Marines, his mostly unknown allies and boss, etc, but for me, as far as combat, I just wanna see if Drake brings anything new to the table during this arc.

In a general sense, he's strong, but compared to everyone else in the WG who's been fighting, he's hardly show anything aside from endurance or what have you. Maybe this is simply not the time.

It also might be what Oda mentioned before about "I'd planned for about half of the supernova to be defeated in the New World already". Oda probably didn't plan for him to be a massive battle threat from the start. I dunno, we'll see how it goes. But I agree he's been unnecessarily turned into a punching bag.


Peerless In History
I hated BM wayyyy before she even got on the roof, you can search my name and see BM slander from years ago.

she's trash, basura, spazzatura etc
Tell me how mad you are. You''re even using secondary languages to emphasize how high your pulse is right now. You can slander all you want. It doesn't change facts nor does it change that you'll be forced to see more of her in upcoming arcs lest you drop the manga.

We'll end this conversation. I don't like provoking people.
I see so when its zoro the future sight is turned off so you can downplay him but when its sanji its on so you can wank him?
Keep the downplay coming cant wait to see how oda will shit on you next.
We know 100% that it was on for Katakuri.
We can surmise that it was off for Kaido up until now, because Kaido bragged about it to Luffy as if it was new information, and he has shown no signs of using it throughout the raid up until now, to dodge any attack.


Lol Kaido basically took every attack that was thrown at him willingly he just don't use FS Luffy basically forced him since the attacks hurt him more than he expected for the first time he complained about being hurt and he is fallen to the ground
Bullshit, he was scared shitless of hyriu kaen.
Zoro got 30 mfers quoting me on copium:gokulaugh:
I believe even Luffy doesn't know about that and thought "Yeah, G4 is just behaving like that because of rubber + haki".
I think we might get confirmation about its original name through the Cp0 guy, when Luffy finally awakenes.
Likely that Luffy himself will never know it's not the rubber fruit, cause I don't see Oda ever changing the "gomu gomu no mi"- prefix.
Strange how you're the one interjecting Zoro in a conversation he does not belong yet project it onto me.

Oda only highlights FS now so the logical conclusion is that Kaido only began using it now and nothing before.

Zoro didn't tag a FS user. It's that fucking simple.
Not strange you are mentioning BM as if she was relevant now that's why my reaction.
BM ain't a FS user she was a punching bag .

Oda didn't highlight aCoC in Zoro ashura in the rooftop he only started using it vs King so he scarred Kaido with only CoA.
That's the logic you try to sell.

"Muh muh another character tagging a FS user I can't cope"
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