Character Discussion Why is Mihawk so boring compared to Shanks


votes in worstgen don't means shit ...
this place is a shameless Zoro base
what a poll with 300 voter whom 70% of them are among most shameless Zoro wankers made you happy?

here ... a poll with 2.1 K voters ... Shanks is winning with +80% votes
same story with EVERY poll over 1000
Mihawk can only win inside of HIS OWN fan club ... and not even by that much
(not to mention in another poll in spoilers vote Shanks defeated Mihawk even here)

to be WSS and lose by +80% to another swordsman who only has 1 arm ... is a fucking disgrace ... Mihawk the biggest loser ever
Lol so you pick Polls that suit you?
Tbh i find it sad to rely on other people's opinions, but suit yourself man
Guess it makes u feel better

And thanks for proving me right again
Shanks Fandom rely on Fandom Approval to hype Shanks indeed
Mihawk got the Manga to back him up

Does Shanks have a Title? No
Does he have a Black Blade? No
Does he have CoO Hype? No
Does he have Two Arms? No
Does he have Better Swordsmanship? No
Better Weapon? No
Did he show a CoC Technique that Strongest Top Tiers don't have? No for now

So you see what Shanks have?
He have Bond with Main Character
He have Bond with Pirate King Roger
He have a Crew
He have a Ship & Flag
He have an Ambition
He have a Large Fandom
He have a Movie
Shown in Flashbacks ... etc

What do we conclude? Shanks is who he is only thanks to the People around him & his Followers
Luffy didn't even say "I will one day Surpass you", he said "I will gather a Crew greater than yours"
So since Chapter 1, it has always been clear that Shanks Hype only comes from his Surroundings & the Allies he created both in-Story & Fans outside.

Mihawk is just One Man, that's all
Imagine defending someone who Oda already provided everything for him
The guy even appears in every single Volume, just to remind us he exists lol
The Author is always reminding you of Shanks, because if he doesn't or he removes his Interactions with other Characters, Shanks would be a Nobody, just some random Swordsman

Mihawk's Entire Character comes from him & him alone
Lol so you pick Polls that suit you?
no I just respect a +2000 polls more than a 400 one
I respect it 5 times more
there is barely any +1000 polls in entire internet that favor Mihawk over Shanks

and about all of shit you listed
with knowing all of that ... +80% of fandom favor Shanks over Mihawk
that just make things far worse for Mihawk
with all of that he is BADLY losing to a 1 armed swordsman
how pathetic

Shanks > Mihawk is a done deal in 99 ways that are far more important than power
Zoro fandom are killing themselves to get themselves that one
Shanks is now a politician while Mihawk is a real fighter. Dueling Shanks is no longer pleasurable as it is a one-sided fight, he tests Newgate's strength and they see that it is also a futile fight. That's why he waits for the day when Zoro will be stronger than a Yonko to feel the thrill of dueling again.
Dont know why your using mihawk vc when it contradicts its ownself n isnt written by oda.

Faced all strong foes? Didnt even fight vista until MF, Wano swordsmen, fujitora, rayleigh, shiryu
no I just respect a +2000 polls more than a 400 one
I respect it 5 times more
there is barely any +1000 polls in entire internet that favor Mihawk over Shanks

and about all of shit you listed
with knowing all of that ... +80% of fandom favor Shanks over Mihawk
that just make things far worse for Mihawk
with all of that he is BADLY losing to a 1 armed swordsman
how pathetic
U still talking about Fandom?
Nevermind, i thought u had something interesting to say, my bad
Next time i will just check Polls & not bother ask you opinion

I guess you believe Carrot > Shanks
There is only one reason why i never compare any Character to Mihawk
That's because the guy simply appeared early in the Story, declared his Name & then disappeared for Thousand Chapter
And yet, he is among Most Discussed, Popular & Strongest Characters

There is No Character who was given such Portrayal, never
All your Favs need Feats to be relevant, need a Crew or Organization they belong to, need an Ambition, Family or Friends, a Backstory or multiple Hints at it, Devil Fruits or Haki Abilities ... etc

Did Mihawk ever bother show any Haki Ability? Did he ever hype a DF or cared about them? Does he have a Flag? A Ship? Crew? Nakama?
Does he care about Yonko or Admirals or One Piece? Was his Backstory ever Hinted at? Was he ever used for Fanservice? The answer to all of these is always "Never"

All this Guy did was appear out of nowhere, after sailing half the world on literally a Small Coffin just because he was Bored, carrying his Black Blade on his back with no explanation about it, starring with his Hawk-Like Eyes, declaring his Name & backed-up by his Introduction Box & Title. Nothing more, nothing less.

Isn't this a Story about how you need Nakama? How you need Strong Ships? How you need Powerful Crew? Story about chasing your Ambition? Showcasing your King's Haki? Surviving New World? Facing Yonko? ... etc
Why is this guy than shitting on literally every Theme of One Piece Story?

To put it more simple, all other Characters need to do something to be Hyped & become Relevant
Mihawk doesn't need anything, the World does it for him

Every time Blades are Hyped or CoO or CoA or CoC or Zoro or Shanks or Swordsmen or Samurai or SHs Dreams or Double-Layered Eyes ... etc
Mihawk is instantly Hyped without appearing or even getting mentioned.

Cuz his Design + Introduction says it all
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That's the difference between us
You need the approval of Fandom Majority to Hype Shanks
The Manga does it for Mihawk, not Fandom, and he does it without even appearing
Good post.
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Lol so you pick Polls that suit you?
Tbh i find it sad to rely on other people's opinions, but suit yourself man
Guess it makes u feel better

And thanks for proving me right again
Shanks Fandom rely on Fandom Approval to hype Shanks indeed
Mihawk got the Manga to back him up

Does Shanks have a Title? No
Does he have a Black Blade? No
Does he have CoO Hype? No
Does he have Two Arms? No
Does he have Better Swordsmanship? No
Better Weapon? No
Did he show a CoC Technique that Strongest Top Tiers don't have? No for now

So you see what Shanks have?
He have Bond with Main Character
He have Bond with Pirate King Roger
He have a Crew
He have a Ship & Flag
He have an Ambition
He have a Large Fandom
He have a Movie
Shown in Flashbacks ... etc

What do we conclude? Shanks is who he is only thanks to the People around him & his Followers
Luffy didn't even say "I will one day Surpass you", he said "I will gather a Crew greater than yours"
So since Chapter 1, it has always been clear that Shanks Hype only comes from his Surroundings & the Allies he created both in-Story & Fans outside.

Mihawk is just One Man, that's all
Imagine defending someone who Oda already provided everything for him
The guy even appears in every single Volume, just to remind us he exists lol
The Author is always reminding you of Shanks, because if he doesn't or he removes his Interactions with other Characters, Shanks would be a Nobody, just some random Swordsman

Mihawk's Entire Character comes from him & him alone
Gahhh damn keep spitttttin
U still talking about Fandom?
Nevermind, i thought u had something interesting to say, my bad
Next time i will just check Polls & not bother ask you opinion
I guess you believe Carrot > Shanks
so when Mihawk was wining my post about fandom was a "nice try"
and now it's "pointless"
and now you change the subject to "popularity"
can Zoro boys don't do anything but flip flop

Shanks fandom can just give you the W in power level debate like a master giving food to his subject

Shanks is a better character
Shanks is a more important character
Mihawk can't even come close to Shanks in real story and Shanks crew can kill him before that

so Mihawk beating Shanks in an imaginary duel that can never happen in real story to a Yonko by a single dude
don't mean shit
but we refuse to give to Mihawk that small empty W ... cause he don't even earn that much
and he fucking has WSS title ... that's how bad he is

you should be ashamed of yourself for defending such cartoonish entity

and yes if a Vs battel ended +80% in favor of somebody don't bother asking me ... a +100 poll with +80% is canon as far as I care
Anyone shitting on Mihawk is literally shitting on One Piece Entire Story
Because the whole premise is about Chasing your Dream & there are no bigger Dreams than the ones that Straw Hats have

People wonder why Mihawk have little screen time or rarely included in Politics & Drama
Isn't that the same with All Blue? Isn't that the same with Void Century? One Piece? The All-Healing Cure? World Map?

We've literally seen nothing about these things, they are actually rarely even mentioned, but does anyone doubt their Greatness?
Just Roger saying: "You want my Treasure, go find it" made the whole World go crazy & start a New Era of Piracy
Just Robin being able to read Poneglyphs made her the target of everyone
Just Sanji mentioning All Blue once made whole Fandom create dozen Theories about it's Location ... etc

Oda doesn't need to Hype these things, their Existence is already Hype on it's own, without these Dreams, One Piece Manga wouldn't even exist, it would have been just a Story about Pirates fighting each other & running from Marines.

Mihawk happens to be the Ultimate Dream of 2nd Straw Hat (Who also happens to be 2nd Most Important & Popular Character)
So yes, it's not fair for Mihawk to be compared to Shanks who is just a stepping stone to Luffy for his Real Goal
Mihawk should be compared to One Piece itself, cuz they are among the Ten Major Treasures of One Piece World

Tbh most Fandom are simply Biased, they ignore Facts to hype their Favorite Characters
Every Crew Member of Straw Hats is the Best in their Job (Cook, Navigator, Doctor ... etc)
But when it comes to Zoro? Nah, he isn't the Strongest even though he is Crew's Fighter

And every Crew Member Dream is World Changer
But when it comes to Zoro? Nah, his Goal is just defeating some irrelevant Commander Level Swordsman

You think this isn't Bias?
There is No Sea like All Blue
No Treasure like One Piece
No Cure like Chopper's Dream
No Ship like the one Franky gonna make
No History more important than Void Century
... etc

So you better be prepared to see the Fighter & Swordsman who have No Peer
There are no Silver or Bronze Medals in Zoro's Path to Greatness, his Dream is to Defeat Mihawk & Mihawk alone
Not Shanks, not an Admiral, not any Samurai or any Yonko, just Mihawk cuz that's the one who sits as the Top of Peak Human Fighting
One Piece is about The Minority who can Dream greater than the Majority & chase their Dreams long enough to prove the Impossible.

People know Eight Seas, but Sanji believes in All Blue, a Legendary Sea that connects All Oceans
People know there are Millions of Islands, but Nami believes She can draw World Map that is considered near Impossible
People know there are countless Diseases, but Chopper believes there is a Cure that can heal Anything
People know Usopp as The Coward & Liar & among Weakest Pirates, but He believes he can prove himself as Brave Warrior of The Sea
People read about History, but Robin believes she can restore the Lost Century that people know nothing about
Do you know what Kid said? Every time he declared his Dream to become Pirate King, people would Laugh at him
... etc

So yes, People know Shanks more, they heard about Yonko & Shichibukai & Admirals & Worst Generation ... etc
But Zoro's Dream should follow the same Pattern as his fellow Crew Members, his Goal is to defeat someone unlike any Fighter the World heard about

There are Treasures & then there is One Piece
There are Oceans & then there is All Blue
There are Island Graphs & then there is World Map
There are Doctors & then there is All-Healing Cure
There are History Books & then there is Void Century

So there are Fighters & Swordsmen & then there is Mihawk
His Power being a Myth is the whole idea of his Existence, so Fandom are doing exactly what Oda expects them to do
He wants Readers to doubt Mihawk just like the One Piece World doubts existence of One Piece, All Blue, World Map, Void Century ... etc

Eyes same as Imu-Sama & Zunisha
His Epithet was originally gonna be Clairvoyant
Strongest Blade & a Black-Forged one
A King's Title
Ultimate Dream of 2nd Straw Hat
Bound to Nothing
Reserved for Endgame
Dracule means Dragon
Religious Theme
Unknown Past
Unknown Bounty
Zoro's Master

All of this is Build-Up towards Mihawk's True Role & True Power once Final Arc arrives
Just like Revelation about One Piece Treasure, All Blue Location, Void Century, World Map ... etc
Eyes same as Imu-Sama & Zunisha
His Epithet was originally gonna be Clairvoyant
Strongest Blade & a Black-Forged one
A King's Title
Ultimate Dream of 2nd Straw Hat
Bound to Nothing
Reserved for Endgame
Dracule means Dragon
Religious Theme
Unknown Past
Unknown Bounty
Zoro's Master
You just listed all that, just for him to get replaced by vegapunk inventions. Dude was put below the admiral's
One Piece is about The Minority who can Dream greater than the Majority & chase their Dreams long enough to prove the Impossible.

People know Eight Seas, but Sanji believes in All Blue, a Legendary Sea that connects All Oceans
People know there are Millions of Islands, but Nami believes She can draw World Map that is considered near Impossible
People know there are countless Diseases, but Chopper believes there is a Cure that can heal Anything
People know Usopp as The Coward & Liar & among Weakest Pirates, but He believes he can prove himself as Brave Warrior of The Sea
People read about History, but Robin believes she can restore the Lost Century that people know nothing about
Do you know what Kid said? Every time he declared his Dream to become Pirate King, people would Laugh at him
... etc

So yes, People know Shanks more, they heard about Yonko & Shichibukai & Admirals & Worst Generation ... etc
But Zoro's Dream should follow the same Pattern as his fellow Crew Members, his Goal is to defeat someone unlike any Fighter the World heard about

There are Treasures & then there is One Piece
There are Oceans & then there is All Blue
There are Island Graphs & then there is World Map
There are Doctors & then there is All-Healing Cure
There are History Books & then there is Void Century

So there are Fighters & Swordsmen & then there is Mihawk
His Power being a Myth is the whole idea of his Existence, so Fandom are doing exactly what Oda expects them to do
He wants Readers to doubt Mihawk just like the One Piece World doubts existence of One Piece, All Blue, World Map, Void Century ... etc

Eyes same as Imu-Sama & Zunisha
His Epithet was originally gonna be Clairvoyant
Strongest Blade & a Black-Forged one
A King's Title
Ultimate Dream of 2nd Straw Hat
Bound to Nothing
Reserved for Endgame
Dracule means Dragon
Religious Theme
Unknown Past
Unknown Bounty
Zoro's Master

All of this is Build-Up towards Mihawk's True Role & True Power once Final Arc arrives
Just like Revelation about One Piece Treasure, All Blue Location, Void Century, World Map ... etc
He’s getting replaced by robots lmao
This coming from the crayon eater
King's voted for warlords to leave
Not the gorosei or the heads of the marines
That's the end
Nothing to do with ssg

Fuji wanted them gone before he ever saw ssg crayon eater
yeah i sometimes forget about this , the warlords werent voted out because they were getting replaced cause of their ' strength ' it was because how much danger they posed to the op world .
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Lol so you pick Polls that suit you?
Tbh i find it sad to rely on other people's opinions, but suit yourself man
Guess it makes u feel better

And thanks for proving me right again
Shanks Fandom rely on Fandom Approval to hype Shanks indeed
Mihawk got the Manga to back him up

Does Shanks have a Title? No
Does he have a Black Blade? No
Does he have CoO Hype? No
Does he have Two Arms? No
Does he have Better Swordsmanship? No
Better Weapon? No
Did he show a CoC Technique that Strongest Top Tiers don't have? No for now

So you see what Shanks have?
He have Bond with Main Character
He have Bond with Pirate King Roger
He have a Crew
He have a Ship & Flag
He have an Ambition
He have a Large Fandom
He have a Movie
Shown in Flashbacks ... etc

What do we conclude? Shanks is who he is only thanks to the People around him & his Followers
Luffy didn't even say "I will one day Surpass you", he said "I will gather a Crew greater than yours"
So since Chapter 1, it has always been clear that Shanks Hype only comes from his Surroundings & the Allies he created both in-Story & Fans outside.

Mihawk is just One Man, that's all
Imagine defending someone who Oda already provided everything for him
The guy even appears in every single Volume, just to remind us he exists lol
The Author is always reminding you of Shanks, because if he doesn't or he removes his Interactions with other Characters, Shanks would be a Nobody, just some random Swordsman

Mihawk's Entire Character comes from him & him alone
dont forget when his bounty was introduced , the marines explicitly talked about his crew unlike the other yonkos
Dont know why your using mihawk vc when it contradicts its ownself n isnt written by oda.
The manga is written by Oda and even then it is not error-free. Oda already drew Zoro with Luffy's scar which is a much bigger mistake than getting the birth date wrong.

In addition, there is a website ( dedicated to correcting erroneous information from the Vivre Cards, in the same way that the scar was corrected in the volume. Even though it's not written by Oda, it doesn't change the fact that it's canon and if any information was wrong it would be corrected, as it was with Tenguyama's age.

Faced all strong foes? Didnt even fight vista until MF, Wano swordsmen, fujitora, rayleigh, shiryu
He just doesn't need to fight anyone to prove his strength when the author tells us he's the strongest. It's like people who deny Kaido's strength, just stupidity.
The manga is written by Oda and even then it is not error-free. Oda already drew Zoro with Luffy's scar which is a much bigger mistake than getting the birth date wrong.
drawing a scar a bit bigger is bigger mistake then getting a birthday wrong? LOL
He just doesn't need to fight anyone to prove his strength when the author tells us he's the strongest. It's like people who deny Kaido's strength, just stupidity.
Yikes, thats why you dont take vivre card over the manga