World War 3


Zoro Worshipper
Main problem that Russian invasion in Ukraine happened because Putin believed that NATO will build own bases in Ukraine. Now, ok if in theory Ukraine will became part of Russia, then Putin will face same problem, case Poland who has same NATO bases will be located near his territories. SO next will be Poland?
He will probably aim at the territories he feels NATO won't feel like starting a war in order to rescue :josad:

Putin is not as crazy as people think imo also he is aware that the rope will break if he exaggerates and that doesn't just mean war but also the internal despising. Almost 10K people got arrested in Russia because of the protests, thousands of soldiers killed.

Literally dozens/hundreds thousands of Russian people are living in hell out of a 140 millions population and this is just one week in.

Gol D. Roger

ȶɦɛ քɨʀǟȶɛ ӄɨռɢ
Main problem that Russian invasion in Ukraine happened because Putin believed that NATO will build own bases in Ukraine. Now, ok if in theory Ukraine will became part of Russia, then Putin will face same problem, case Poland who has same NATO bases will be located near his territories. SO next will be Poland?
Putin intends to control Ukraine without merging it with Russia. Basically, he's gonna use it as a bulwark against NATO—at least for the time being. The same thing that NATO's been trying to do against Russia. I wonder how long these dumb fucks, both Russia and the US, will take to realize small countries aren't their scapegoats.
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I respect the mentality of the Ukrainian people and wish them the best but sadly they can’t win . The NATO will not interfere. Sooner or later Putin will win. Maybe a revolution could stop Putin. That’s my only hope…
They're putting up one hell of a fight. Zelensky may have made some bad choices but he's leading the nation admirably. Huge respect for the man and the Ukrainian brothers. It's a sad thing that the rest of the world can't directly help them. Hope this will end soon.
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Putin intends to control Ukraine without merging it with Russia. Basically, he's gonna use it as a bulwark against NATO—at least for the time being. The same thing that NATO's been trying to do against Russia. I wonder how long these dumb fucks, both Russia and the US, will take to realize small countries aren't their scapegoats.
Ukraine wants to join NATO tho, its a lot better than joining commies.
Putin intends to control Ukraine without merging it with Russia. Basically, he's gonna use it as a bulwark against NATO. The same thing that NATO's been trying to do against Russia. I wonder how long these dumb fucks will take to realize small countries aren't their scapegoats.
Yeah, yeah...he want to ressurect Soviet Union with all territories that belong to it(and that territory include not only Poland but Germany too)
Putin intends to control Ukraine without merging it with Russia. Basically, he's gonna use it as a bulwark against NATO—at least for the time being. The same thing that NATO's been trying to do against Russia. I wonder how long these dumb fucks, both Russia and the US, will take to realize small countries aren't their scapegoats.
This why today Russia adopted law that made crime with penalty of 15 years in jail for people who is spreading "fake news" about facts of war crimes that russian dogs comitted in Ukraine, or people who will try stop the war.
Please check out history of German in 1939 and you will see no difference.

Gol D. Roger

ȶɦɛ քɨʀǟȶɛ ӄɨռɢ
Ukraine wants to join Nato tho, its a lot better than joining commies.
It doesn't matter if it's a good thing or not, Ukraine should have the right to do whatever the fuck they want with their own country. I am just talking about how the small countries are being used as scapegoats by the big countries because they want to expand their spheres of influence.
They're putting up one hell of a fight. Zelensky may have made some bad choices but he's leading the nation admirably. Huge respect for the man and the Ukrainian brothers. It's a sad thing that the rest of the world can't directly help them. Hope this will end soon.
The USA can’t help countries anymore due weak leader Biden, I think. And bad record of winning wars since world war 2. The more wars that USA get involved , the bigger anti anti- American world goes up.

Gol D. Roger

ȶɦɛ քɨʀǟȶɛ ӄɨռɢ
This why today Russia adopted law that made crime with penalty of 15 years in jail for people who is spreading "fake news" about facts of war crimes that russian dogs comitted in Ukraine, or people who will try stop the war.
Please check out history of German in 1939 and you will see no difference.
Yeah, yeah...he want to ressurect Soviet Union with all territories that belong to it(and that territory include not only Poland but Germany too)
I think you misunderstood me. Putin is allegedly making preparations to restore Yanukovych's government meaning he intends to keep it as a separate country. He's gonna use it as a puppet country for the time being. That's all I am saying.
I think you misunderstood me. Putin is allegedly making preparations to restore Yanukovych's government meaning he intends to keep it as a separate country. He's gonna use it as a puppet country for the time being. That's all I am saying.
Yes he want use him, but in reality no one think about Yanukovych as their President, case he run away from country, leaved his people who WAS supporting him. More than half of Ukraine was ready to fight for their President, while right now whole county is fighting against invaders

Gol D. Roger

ȶɦɛ քɨʀǟȶɛ ӄɨռɢ
The USA can’t help countries anymore due weak leader Biden, I think. And bad record of winning wars since world war 2. The more wars that USA get involved , the bigger anti anti- American world goes up.
These days, the US is preferring minding its own business. The US or any country for that matter do more good to the world by letting countries do their own thing than getting directly involved with them. With that being said, the world does need a big brother-like figure to keep Russia and China at bay and no one fits the criterion better than the US.
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Yes he want use him, but in reality no one think about Yanukovych as their President, case he run away from country, leaved his people who WAS supporting him. More than half of Ukraine was ready to fight for their President, while right now whole county is fighting against invaders
Yeah, I understand that perfectly. You guys are doing really really great by not letting the invaders walk over you. You're sending a strong message to all those who intend to invade other countries. I have nothing but respect for the way you guys are fighting for your country. It's a shame you have to go through this.
Putin won't stop until some East Europe Territories will be under his perfect command so that he will feel safer. But I feel like that's not just it as a reason.
Yep he wants Ukraine to obey russia . Not be cozy to west.
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These days, the US is preferring minding its own business. The US or any country for that matter do more good to the world by letting countries do their own thing than getting directly involved with them. With that being said, the world does need a big brother-like figure to keep Russia and China at bay and no one fits the criterion better than the US.
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Yeah, I understand that perfectly. You guys are doing really really great by not letting the invaders walk over you. You're sending a strong message to all those who intend to invade other countries. I have nothing but respect for the way you guys are fighting for your country. It's a shame you have to go through this.
After failure in Afghan and iraq , war is unpopular for both right and left wingers.

Even with in America Democrats are not united , Biden is not really popular among progressives especially he hasnt shown progress with blm , improve police reform , Trump voters still think he got elected through illegal voting . Country still doesnt feel united under Joe so far , sending troops during midterm would be deathblow .
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Any of you saw the UN diplomats walking out before Russia's UN speech?
I read the comments under the videos and saw how people were celebrating that and saying it was a good thing. That honestly blows my mind - but the lack of logic doesn't schock me anymore.
Such childish behaviour of adults, Politicians, in such a serious situation is purely irresponsible. Instead of listening to the other side they just walk out. They act like woke SJW, not listening to the other side. And people supporting such behaviour are not better. If you got to the point where you avoid everything the other side says, then you are a lost case. Listening to both sides is what a bright mind would do. It's the job of the Politicians to do exactly that, listening to what everybody has to say and then try to find a compromise. Which the west clearly doesn't try to do, especialy now with them literaly censoring Russian sites, news etc. Blocking all ways of you hearing the other side. They want you to hear only one side.
Funny how they always talk about ''Freedom of speech'' and then they censor a whole Nation. I mean they are known for double standards.

But this perfectly sums up the western politicians - they don't listen nor care what the other side says - especialy Russia. Hence why for 8 years of the War in Ukraine, no progress was made. And then you have people talking about ''They should have just talked it out'' - That's what Russia tried for 8 year, but the West clearly doesn't listen.
Any of you saw the UN diplomats walking out before Russia's UN speech?
I read the comments under the videos and saw how people were celebrating that and saying it was a good thing. That honestly blows my mind - but the lack of logic doesn't schock me anymore.
Such childish behaviour of adults, Politicians, in such a serious situation is purely irresponsible. Instead of listening to the other side they just walk out. They act like woke SJW, not listening to the other side. And people supporting such behaviour are not better. If you got to the point where you avoid everything the other side says, then you are a lost case. Listening to both sides is what a bright mind would do. It's the job of the Politicians to do exactly that, listening to what everybody has to say and then try to find a compromise. Which the west clearly doesn't try to do, especialy now with them literaly censoring Russian sites, news etc. Blocking all ways of you hearing the other side. They want you to hear only one side.
Funny how they always talk about ''Freedom of speech'' and then they censor a whole Nation. I mean they are known for double standards.

But this perfectly sums up the western politicians - they don't listen nor care what the other side says - especialy Russia. Hence why for 8 years of the War in Ukraine, no progress was made. And then you have people talking about ''They should have just talked it out'' - That's what Russia tried for 8 year, but the West clearly doesn't listen.
Its ploy to bring pressure on putin to give up invading .

Walking out is not really childish as per say. Its informal protest against ongoing war. The message of walkout was clear russia must come on board for talks with zelensky.
Any of you saw the UN diplomats walking out before Russia's UN speech?
I read the comments under the videos and saw how people were celebrating that and saying it was a good thing. That honestly blows my mind - but the lack of logic doesn't schock me anymore.
Such childish behaviour of adults, Politicians, in such a serious situation is purely irresponsible. Instead of listening to the other side they just walk out. They act like woke SJW, not listening to the other side. And people supporting such behaviour are not better. If you got to the point where you avoid everything the other side says, then you are a lost case. Listening to both sides is what a bright mind would do. It's the job of the Politicians to do exactly that, listening to what everybody has to say and then try to find a compromise. Which the west clearly doesn't try to do, especialy now with them literaly censoring Russian sites, news etc. Blocking all ways of you hearing the other side. They want you to hear only one side.
Funny how they always talk about ''Freedom of speech'' and then they censor a whole Nation. I mean they are known for double standards.

But this perfectly sums up the western politicians - they don't listen nor care what the other side says - especialy Russia. Hence why for 8 years of the War in Ukraine, no progress was made. And then you have people talking about ''They should have just talked it out'' - That's what Russia tried for 8 year, but the West clearly doesn't listen.
Yep he wants Ukraine to obey russia . Not be cozy to west.
Now listen Hitler's speech in 1939 1-st september:
I found only on Russian language so will translate it with google(you can try to find this by yourself anyway):

"As always, I tried peacefully to achieve a revision, a change in this unbearable situation. It is a lie when the liberal world says we want change by force. On my own initiative, I have repeatedly suggested that these unbearable conditions be reconsidered. All these proposals, as you know, were rejected - proposals to limit armaments and, if necessary, disarmament, proposals to limit military production, proposals to ban certain types of modern weapons. You are aware of the proposals I made to restore German sovereignty over the German territories. You know about my endless attempts that I made for a peaceful settlement of issues with Austria, then with the Sudetenland, Bohemia and Moravia. All of them were in vain.
I have therefore taken a decision and last night informed the British Government that under the circumstances I do not see any readiness on the part of the Polish Government to enter into serious negotiations with us.

I will ensure that peace reigns on the eastern frontier, just like on our other frontiers.

To this end, I will take the necessary measures, not contrary to the proposals I made in the Reichstag for the whole world, that is, I will not fight against women and children. I have ordered my air force to be limited to attacks on military targets. If, however, the enemy decides that this gives him carte blanche to wage war by all means, he will receive a crushing furious response.

Now please tell me the difference between Hitler and Putin speech!!! It's same....they saying same things, he is Hitler 2.0
Now listen Hitler's speech in 1939 1-st september:
I found only on Russian language so will translate it with google(you can try to find this by yourself anyway):

"As always, I tried peacefully to achieve a revision, a change in this unbearable situation. It is a lie when the liberal world says we want change by force. On my own initiative, I have repeatedly suggested that these unbearable conditions be reconsidered. All these proposals, as you know, were rejected - proposals to limit armaments and, if necessary, disarmament, proposals to limit military production, proposals to ban certain types of modern weapons. You are aware of the proposals I made to restore German sovereignty over the German territories. You know about my endless attempts that I made for a peaceful settlement of issues with Austria, then with the Sudetenland, Bohemia and Moravia. All of them were in vain.
I have therefore taken a decision and last night informed the British Government that under the circumstances I do not see any readiness on the part of the Polish Government to enter into serious negotiations with us.

I will ensure that peace reigns on the eastern frontier, just like on our other frontiers.

To this end, I will take the necessary measures, not contrary to the proposals I made in the Reichstag for the whole world, that is, I will not fight against women and children. I have ordered my air force to be limited to attacks on military targets. If, however, the enemy decides that this gives him carte blanche to wage war by all means, he will receive a crushing furious response.

Now please tell me the difference between Hitler and Putin speech!!! It's same....they saying same things, he is Hitler 2.0
You should not compare anyone to Hitler
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Its ploy to bring pressure on putin to give up invading .

Walking out is not really childish as per say. Its informal protest against ongoing war. The message of walkout was clear russia must come on board for talks with zelensky.
Those types of "messages" are completely dumb. What do you want to achieve with that? It doesn't do anything for finding a compromise.
Those type of "messages" are only good for TV and Media, nothing else.
How about actualy listening and trying to find an actual solution and compromise for the current situation?
Any of you saw the UN diplomats walking out before Russia's UN speech?
I read the comments under the videos and saw how people were celebrating that and saying it was a good thing. That honestly blows my mind - but the lack of logic doesn't schock me anymore.
Such childish behaviour of adults, Politicians, in such a serious situation is purely irresponsible. Instead of listening to the other side they just walk out. They act like woke SJW, not listening to the other side. And people supporting such behaviour are not better. If you got to the point where you avoid everything the other side says, then you are a lost case. Listening to both sides is what a bright mind would do. It's the job of the Politicians to do exactly that, listening to what everybody has to say and then try to find a compromise. Which the west clearly doesn't try to do, especialy now with them literaly censoring Russian sites, news etc. Blocking all ways of you hearing the other side. They want you to hear only one side.
Funny how they always talk about ''Freedom of speech'' and then they censor a whole Nation. I mean they are known for double standards.

But this perfectly sums up the western politicians - they don't listen nor care what the other side says - especialy Russia. Hence why for 8 years of the War in Ukraine, no progress was made. And then you have people talking about ''They should have just talked it out'' - That's what Russia tried for 8 year, but the West clearly doesn't listen.
I don't think there's anyone left that believes the claims of tech companies about their support for expression right, data protection and independence especially after their farces in US elections + coordinated attack in size and timing against Russia. All countries are facing the shock of these economic and digital sanctions that aroused suspicion.

Especially suspicion if they were used against them for the slightest reason, even without a UN resolution.
Those types of "messages" are completely dumb. What do you want to achieve with that? It doesn't do anything for finding a compromise.
Those type of "messages" are only good for TV and Media, nothing else.
How about actualy listening and trying to find an actual solution and compromise for the current situation?
Macron wanted to be mediator between putin and zelensky . Russia ruled out the option .

I agree diplomats should act their age . You can say its big ego . Russia and EU's relationship is at lowest point . It will take years to regain.
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Now listen Hitler's speech in 1939 1-st september:
I found only on Russian language so will translate it with google(you can try to find this by yourself anyway):

"As always, I tried peacefully to achieve a revision, a change in this unbearable situation. It is a lie when the liberal world says we want change by force. On my own initiative, I have repeatedly suggested that these unbearable conditions be reconsidered. All these proposals, as you know, were rejected - proposals to limit armaments and, if necessary, disarmament, proposals to limit military production, proposals to ban certain types of modern weapons. You are aware of the proposals I made to restore German sovereignty over the German territories. You know about my endless attempts that I made for a peaceful settlement of issues with Austria, then with the Sudetenland, Bohemia and Moravia. All of them were in vain.
I have therefore taken a decision and last night informed the British Government that under the circumstances I do not see any readiness on the part of the Polish Government to enter into serious negotiations with us.

I will ensure that peace reigns on the eastern frontier, just like on our other frontiers.

To this end, I will take the necessary measures, not contrary to the proposals I made in the Reichstag for the whole world, that is, I will not fight against women and children. I have ordered my air force to be limited to attacks on military targets. If, however, the enemy decides that this gives him carte blanche to wage war by all means, he will receive a crushing furious response.

Now please tell me the difference between Hitler and Putin speech!!! It's same....they saying same things, he is Hitler 2.0
Only difference i think is putin has nukes itsvery different from hitler.

The leader really need to have negotiations and honor all border agreements. None of EU leaders are taking initiative . Isolating and sanctioning russia is just a start but they need a way bring putin on table.
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Russia say 498 Russian soldiers died now, we don’t know actually death count . Can Russia hide true soldiers death ? Russia can to avoid Vietnam war issue. Where is anti war protester in Russia like in Vietnam war

There are Russians who don’t want the war .
Of course putin can win the war by using nukes and kill every single Ukrainian alive but he does not rule waste land caused by his nukes. USA can win in vietnam war and Iraq war by using own nuke but it would not be benefit the world and literally turn entire world against USA if USA use nuke.