World War 3

You should not compare anyone to Hitler
Cool. but I really can't do that, maybe you can make some examples?
Russia say 498 Russian soldiers died now, we don’t know actually death count . Can Russia hide true soldiers death ? Russia can to avoid Vietnam war issue. Where is anti war protester in Russia like in Vietnam war

There are Russians who don’t want the war .
Of course putin can win the war by using nukes and kill every single Ukrainian alive but he does not rule waste land caused by his nukes. USA can win in vietnam war and Iraq war by using own nuke but it would not be benefit the world and literally turn entire world against USA if USA use nuke.
This is just fact that ukranian sources not lying, he admitted that 500 soldier of his army is dead while 1500 is wounded, while Ukraine said that ready to give him 3000 dead bodies any time, case it seems that true number of soldiers that died in Ukraine of russian army is close to 3000-5000, ofc it could be more. For Putin admit that he lose so much soldiers in few days is really risky thing, case this show that somehow his strongest army is not that strong as he believed. While truth is that Ukranian is not just ordinary they was fighting against Hitler and never gived up, basically war was going on exactly on Ukranian territory for really long time(close to 4 years), and ukranian "1-st Ukranian front squad" took part in battle for Berlin as part of Soviet Army.
Again this not mean that he will not be able to defeat Ukraine, but this war will take too much lives. Ukranians understand that if they lose to Putin then they probably became slaves of Russia, basically low-race nation, that is main reason why Ukraine is not going to give up. While if Putin will burn all cities of Ukraine to dirt than that would be genocide nothing else. Just look what he did with Kharkov russian language speaking city, which is large city where live more than 1.5 millions of people, but they don't think to give up.

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she's been trying to leave Russia for the past 2-3 weeks to return to the US and was almost approved to board a flight until she got caught with hashish oil (aka weed/marijuana), which is an illegal substance outside of the US and is likely to face significant jail time; and considering the current war situation, she will likely need help from the US government if she even wants to think of leaving at this point in time
Cool propaganda video
Imagine calling an independent journalist who was in donezk and saw what was happening there for many years propaganda, while at the same time being forced to watch cencored western media, that is ''clearly not hiding anything'' with that censorship. The ironie of that lmao
she's been trying to leave Russia for the past 2-3 weeks to return to the US and was almost approved to board a flight until she got caught with hashish oil (aka weed/marijuana), which is an illegal substance outside of the US and is likely to face significant jail time; and considering the current war situation, she will likely need help from the US government if she even wants to think of leaving at this point in time
ariggt putin aint wrong it all did ukrain stupid president imo why tf he joins neto when russia next to him is he got a pig brain to cant understand what happens when other countrys join side with ukrain

man just needed to elimante the threat near of his country

and ukrain president now blaming to neto? tf he asked for it lol

Gol D. Roger

ȶɦɛ քɨʀǟȶɛ ӄɨռɢ
ariggt putin aint wrong it all did ukrain stupid president imo why tf he joins neto when russia next to him is he got a pig brain to cant understand what happens when other countrys join side with ukrain

man just needed to elimante the threat near of his country

and ukrain president now blaming to neto? tf he asked for it lol
I don't think there is anything stupid about them wanting to join the West. They're a small country and they need both economic and military ties with other countries to grow bigger, and they chose the West, which isn't a bad thing to do by any metric. Russia failed to give them the assurance that the West gave them. If Russia tried to give them offers that benefit both sides and assured them that they won't try to bring back the USSR, then Ukraine would be more than happy to join Russia's side.

If there is anyone that should be blamed for what's happening rn, it would be the US and Russia. Together they created a scenario where Ukraine has to choose b/w Russia and the US and they chose the US because it's more beneficial. Ukraine's only mistake here is underestimating Russia's threat and overestimating the support they'll be getting from the West.
Ukraine's only mistake here is underestimating Russia's threat and overestimating the support they'll be getting from the West.
thats why he is a dumb fuck, he literally asked for a war when he joins with neto he is the president ofc he knows what will be the consequences when he sides with beto and becoming a threat to russia

and what he blaming for neto? man just become a clown same as his former job he overrestimated himself and he should responsble to all of deaths imo

Gol D. Roger

ȶɦɛ քɨʀǟȶɛ ӄɨռɢ
thats why he is a dumb fuck, he literally asked for a war when he joins with neto he is the president ofc he knows what will be the consequences when he sides with beto and becoming a threat to russia

and what he blaming for neto? man just become a clown same as his former job he overrestimated himself and he should responsble to all of deaths imo
It's a bit more complicated than that. Zelensky isn't the first president who tried joining NATO. There was always the threat of Russia wanting to bring back the USSR; that's why Ukraine wants to join NATO, in the first place. So the whole thing goes back to the expansionist policies of the big two. If they both quit their shit, then they no longer need to be threatened by each other gaining control over the world and Ukraine will have no reason to choose sides despite the risks involved.

imagine losing 800 soldiers on few day of invasion to small country Ukraine ?:goatasure::giogio:
It is like Russian is different than Soviet Union in military fight.

It is like big meme get embarrassed by Kidd and law over again

@Blackbeard big meme embarassing moment is officially real now.
its really a noble thing. they arent looking to destroy ukraine just topple the government and turn it into a military base.