Now listen Hitler's speech in 1939 1-st september:
I found only on Russian language so will translate it with google(you can try to find this by yourself anyway):
"As always, I tried peacefully to achieve a revision, a change in this unbearable situation. It is a lie when the liberal world says we want change by force. On my own initiative, I have repeatedly suggested that these unbearable conditions be reconsidered. All these proposals, as you know, were rejected - proposals to limit armaments and, if necessary, disarmament, proposals to limit military production, proposals to ban certain types of modern weapons. You are aware of the proposals I made to restore German sovereignty over the German territories. You know about my endless attempts that I made for a peaceful settlement of issues with Austria, then with the Sudetenland, Bohemia and Moravia. All of them were in vain.
I have therefore taken a decision and last night informed the British Government that under the circumstances I do not see any readiness on the part of the Polish Government to enter into serious negotiations with us.
I will ensure that peace reigns on the eastern frontier, just like on our other frontiers.
To this end, I will take the necessary measures, not contrary to the proposals I made in the Reichstag for the whole world, that is, I will not fight against women and children. I have ordered my air force to be limited to attacks on military targets. If, however, the enemy decides that this gives him carte blanche to wage war by all means, he will receive a crushing furious response.
Now please tell me the difference between Hitler and Putin speech!!! It's same....they saying same things, he is Hitler 2.0