I've joke it's Roger tbh. That's why Oda won't reveal who it is. Roger went into her territory alone for reasons unknown and just stole pongelyph rubbings or so? When she was in the prime of her beauty and such? Kinda sus lmao. Especially if they got drunk too! Maybe she invited him and he was playing her all along, so he could steal her rubbings? (Even more sus)
But where did Katakuri get his teeth and mouth from? Neither Roger nor BM have it.

Blother Fertitta

Real Ni**er Blother
I think this is a very important point that people here often miss.

Just like this Pea person has his/her own view on one character, I have my own views. You have your own views, and so on.
Also, I don't base my values on a fucking shounen character.

Call me when we start throwing pitchforks or comic villains that commit mass murderer and I MIGHT start taking these comments seriously.
Wait never mind @Pot Goblin I've sorted it I think!

After so many hours, I've completed my meme and I hope you guys like it and it gives you a laugh!:

(You have to right click the video or click or tap the speaker icon or something to hear the audio, I'm gonna upload it to Youtube and link that too soon!)

@SeaTonnes @ZoroDoesNotKillKaido and @BBsZehahaInTheNewWorld will probably enjoy it the most given the topic and some others I'm sure but I'm gonna tag everyone I can think of who may like it and hopefully you will!

@DKI @Thururuzao @solis @Pot Goblin @Jaguark101 @Peroroncino @Krusher1357 @TheKnightOfTheSea @GrandmasterChef Zonji @mly90 @Tyki_Mikk @MonsterKaido @Doggo @YASER @Vinsmoke D. Zolo @Le Fishe D. Crydo @h_zorothegoat @Kagurashii @matt245 @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Sanji D Goat @Straight From Laughtale @Sasparan @Jailer @ConquistadoR @Alpha

I think that's everyone? Apologies if I missed anyone! Hopefully at least some of you will like and enjoy this, the more the better ofc! Also no actual Zoro and Sanji slander intended, I was just trying to randomly improvise and shitpost for fun!



Peerless In History
Hahaha yep! I love it so much, was just saying how it's one of Oda's best female character designs and it goes really nicely with the Big Mom/Linlin theme on here too!

I'll repost the art for convenience:

@Charlotte LinLin and @Rosella.Fiamingo may enjoy this art too? Very grateful to I think was it you Rosella who requested the Linlin theme too?

This is how that art looks combined with the Linlin theme too:

Holy hell that looks so amazing.