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What could have been...
So, let me get this straight...

Ekko is behind Ultra.
Adam claims his abilities failed on Ekko.
So they should have failed on Ultra.
Though Adam claims his abilities automatically fail on Ekko's chara.
Ekko said a WU with his chara appeared which wasn't him.

@Ekkologix your hider prob didn't work and you're being controlled or Adam is lying.
@Adam 🍎 ur abilities AUTOMATICALLY fail on me?

is that how u figured who i am? why wud a positive ability fail on me if u r town?


What could have been...
Because in the context of when was said and about what it was it is was easy too connect

And i was correct
i was reading back from sleep tho, i was probabaly too many pages from the WU where my character appeared

still u shudnt be certain who i am, but u guessed it correctly


The End and the Beginning
Ekko, unlike some low down sluts you ain't seeing the goods for cheap. I'd rather go down than have you badger me with incessant questions before deciding to lynch me anyway

I'll submit an action, and see what you make of that
So your position is that you won't claim and you will instead hope a writeup suffices here?

This is not what you said initially.

Uh oh! Is smeone caught cld here?
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