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Vote Count

Odd - Mango > Ekko
Cal - Mango
Nick - Sallu > Ultra
Ekko - Cal > Kagura > Cal > Ultra > Ratchet > Broki > Ultra > Kagura > Broki > Cal > Adam > Kagura > Cal > Adam > Yo > Ultra
Mango - Cal > Ekko > Kagura > GOM

Ultra - Ekko > Yo Tan > Broki > Ultra
Sallu - Nick
Gram - Mango > * > GOM
Nana - Pero > Broki
Ratchet - Adam > Odd > Ekko > Ultra > Adam > Ultra > Yo > Ultra

GOM - Gram > Cal
Flower - Ekko > GOM > Adam > Kagura > Adam > Ultra > Yo > Ultra
Zolo - Lanji > Adam
Broki - Hayumi > Ultra
Lind - Cal

Kagura - Cal > Kagura > Cal
Arp - GOM > Cal > GOM
Light - Cal
Adam - GOM > Cal > Ultra > Yo
Juice - Yo Tan

Blue - Adam > Yo > Ultra
Pero - Adam > Ultra
Yo- Kagura > Unvote > Cal > Ultra
Worst- Kagura > Adam > Ultra

Cinera- Adam
Rej- Adam


Ultra - 10
Cal- 4
Yo - 2
Kagura/Mango/Ekko/Nick/Sallu/Broki - 1

Votes may not reflect their actual value.​

@Worst This was VC at EoD

Vote Count

Nick - Sallu > Ultra
Ekko - Cal > Kagura > Cal > Ultra > Ratchet > Broki > Ultra > Kagura > Broki > Cal > Adam > Kagura > Cal > Adam > Yo > Ultra

Ultra - Ekko > Yo Tan > Broki > Ultra

Ratchet - Adam > Odd > Ekko > Ultra > Adam > Ultra > Yo > Ultra

Flower - Ekko > GOM > Adam > Kagura > Adam > Ultra > Yo > Ultra

Blue - Adam > Yo > Ultra
Pero - Adam > Ultra
Yo- Kagura > Unvote > Cal > Ultra
Worst- Kagura > Adam > Ultra


Ultra - 10

Here is the list of all the players who voted for Ultra DP1. You say 4 of those scan guilty lol. Let's see.

Vote Lynch: Pero

Guess we can start here, out of all the players who voted ultra, they all switched votes more than 2 times for the exception of our boy Pero here.

Flower and Ratchet seem to be in sync in their last 4 vote switches leading up to Ultra eventually. A bit too in sync....


Holy Simp
No don't.

1) Investigation immunity is usually to stop scum from getting info on your role in some way. It isn't like a miller that weakens a cop with false positives, but a protection against scum.
2) With scum having anti-claim kills, keeping claims to a bare minimum should be priority here.
Why should scum use an anti-claim kill on me if they could easily mislynch me or have the vig get me killed? Lel
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