Current Events Yes, Luffy Did Die, and Is Now Possessed by Joy Boy.

In this chapter, Kaido says Luffy is dead. Law confirms it and so does Momonosuke. Momo in particular has a psychic link to luffy, so if he says it, its probably true.

But beyond everyone's words, one thing beyond everything confirms Luffy's death. That is the narration box. If you've noticed, the narration box doesn't declare a victory unless it is absolute.

Like take Kid and Law vs Big Mom. Kid and Law were knocked out, if only for a few seconds, by big mom. Yet in that moment, the narration box didn't declare a victory for big mom. The narration box only declared a victory once the victory was absolute. When Linlin was pushed off onigashima and nuked, she is done for the arc. We haven't heard from her since. Kid and Law's victory is absolute.

My point is, it wouldn't make sense for the narration box to declare for kaido if Luffy was just going to get back up and win. The narration box surely didn't declare for kaido in chapter 1009, nor did it do so when Luffy was KO'd shortly after 1010.

The narration box declaring for kaido means that luffy is done for this arc. He's been KO'd and likely killed. What we saw at the end of 1043 wasn't Luffy, it was Joyboy, just as zunesha said.

When "luffy" finally beats kaido, the narration box won't say Luffy is the winner, it will say Joyboy is the winner.
Nothing you said suggests Luffy is possessed, he could just be revived by whatever power is being awakened.

And no, if you really think Oda would attribute Kaido's victory to "JoyBoy" instead of Luffy then you must be a new reader, Oda wanks Luffy beyond anybody else, to even contemplate him undermining Luffy like that is insanity.
Luffy became an Emperor based on fake news bro.


The only one who can beat me is me
Nothing you said suggests Luffy is possessed, he could just be revived by whatever power is being awakened.

And no, if you really think Oda would attribute Kaido's victory to "JoyBoy" instead of Luffy then you must be a new reader, Oda wanks Luffy beyond anybody else, to even contemplate him undermining Luffy like that is insanity.
Kaidou already beat Luffy, the fight's over. Narrator box and everything, the rest is Joyboy or whatever vs Kaidou.
Kaidou already beat Luffy, the fight's over. Narrator box and everything, the rest is Joyboy or whatever vs Kaidou.
Narration box doesn't mean shit, Oda could be using it to subvert expectations

If you really think Oda would spit in Luffy's face, his favorite strawhat, by writing that then I don't know what to tell you, you'll see how wrong you are in two to three chapters.


The only one who can beat me is me
Narration box doesn't mean shit, Oda's could be using it to subvert expectations

If you really think Oda would spit in Luffy's face by writing that then I don't know what to tell you, you'll see how wrong you are in two to three chapters.
Oda already spit in Luffy's face by making him lose to Kaidou.

This is more Oda paying Kaidou his respect rather than spitting in Luffy's face I'd say. It doesn't even matter what is said from here on out, Luffy vs Kaidou is officially over. The rest is after reincarnation, even if the win is attributed to this new revived Luffy.

Deleted member 10278

Narration box doesn't mean shit, Oda could be using it to subvert expectations

If you really think Oda would spit in Luffy's face, his favorite strawhat, by writing that then I don't know what to tell you, you'll see how wrong you are in two to three chapters.
After Oda spit on everybody else, Luffy wasn’t going to be spared. All credits will go to Soyboy Nikka from now till the end of the story, Luffy literally died dawg and got taken over by an 800 year dead character... ain’t much else Oda can do to humiliate him any further :kobeha:
Oda already spit in Luffy's face by making him lose to Kaidou.

This is more Oda paying Kaidou his respect rather than spitting in Luffy's face I'd say. It doesn't even matter what is said from here on out, Luffy vs Kaidou is officially over. The rest is after reincarnation, even if the win is attributed to this new revived Luffy.
Not at all, he writes Luffy to lose against virtually every opponent he faces at least once, that's not spitting in Luffy's face, that's just what he does.

We'll see, it's not going to be "Joyboy vs Kaido" because chances are that Luffy is Joyboy, they're not separate so you can't give the win to one and not the other.
no one can sense luffys aura because hes emanating joyboys like the scabbards were emanating odens
joyboy isnt inserting himself into luffys impossibly gaping anus
After Oda spit on everybody else, Luffy wasn’t going to be spared. All credits will go to Soyboy Nikka from now till the end of the story, Luffy literally died dawg and got taken over by an 800 year dead character... ain’t much else Oda can do to humiliate him any further :kobeha:
You're gonna look like such a clown in a few weeks
Jump on the "Luffy is possessed" bandwagon while you can because it won't last long.
It doesn't matter if he's possessed or not, you're missing the point. Luffy died, it's over. This is Luffy 2.0. Doesn't count as the Luffy that came before him, that one died.
What the fuck are you talking about
If Luffy gets revived and kicks Kaido's ass with a new powerup then the win still gets attributed to Luffy

Deleted member 10278

You're gonna look like such a clown in a few weeks
Jump on the "Luffy is possessed" bandwagon while you can because it won't last long.
Even if Luffy gets up next chapter and is himself, the fact that he got killed via an interuption and without Joy Boy getting involved to revive him is bigger than any spit in the face Oda could gave him, that’s an attempted burial of an entire character dare I say lmao.
Even if Luffy gets up next chapter and is himself, the fact that he got killed via an interuption and without Joy Boy getting involved to revive him is bigger than any spit in the face Oda could gave him, that’s an attempted burial of an entire character dare I say lmao.
The problem is that you're separating Joyboy from Luffy when from everything we know so far, Luffy is Joyboy, they're one entity.

And no, that's subjective, if Oda still gives Luffy the win in the end then Luffy's character isn't buried at all.
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To Luffy 2.0 yes. Luffy 1.0 died, he lost.
What is this "Luffy 2.0"? There's only one Luffy lmao
so Shirahoshi is not really Shirahoshi but possessed by Poseidon?
and Momo is not really Momo but possessed by the former Kozuki most likely Uramus?
that is bullshit., Poseidon, Joyboy , Uranus, Sun God nika, are epithers. Luffy was always Joyboy he just awakened the power that enable Zunisha to communicate with him as well.
Luffy awakened his powers gradually.
in Zunisha he was only able to hear Zunisha , in Wano he was able to communicate with Momo and Law's crew, and when this time he will be able to talk to Zunisha himself instead of asking Momo to do it.