I read on Twitter that it's gonna be a matter of a couple of weeks of delay at most, I doubt and hope it's nothing that serious since Toei themselves said that they'll let us know about the new schedule next week
Yeah, this may already be outdated information, but I heard from an animator who actually animates on Toei projects that the situation was incredibly uncertain, and there was concerns that they may have to rush their cuts if things persist or if anything is rushed. We don't know how bad it is, but there is a bit of justified fear that things could be pretty bad, especially if files related to the episodes are corrupted or lost.
Yeah, this may already be outdated information, but I heard from an animator who actually animates on Toei projects that the situation was incredibly uncertain, and there was concerns that they may have to rush their cuts if things persist or if anything is rushed. We don't know how bad it is, but there is a bit of justified fear that things could be pretty bad, especially if files related to the episodes are corrupted or lost.
We'll just have to wait and read what Toei tells us next week

Wonder if this is not fake news:josad:
Reminder: There will be no episode of One Piece anime tomorrow, Sunday. The postponement was due to the broadcast of the Nagoya Marathon instead of the anime.

This week's delay has nothing to do with the hacking of the studio's database, in another delay/s due to this hack and it will be announced later.

Gorosei Informer

Evil Sora would at least explain why she married a jerk like Judge lmaoo
Lmfao right? She seems so innocent, and caring and sweet but we've seen with Carmel and Pudding on how easily that can be faked for example. Also Big Mom with how she treats children as opposed to others ofc.
Could even stretch to Brulee, Nami and Robin kind here too lmao.

But obviously Nami, Robin and even Pudding and Brulee are somewhat good people ofc.

Sora may have had a much darker side for all we know. But she might have been as "pure" as Otohime and given what she did and sacrificed for her kids and especially how she treated Sanji she's probably innocent.

But why and how she married Judge is completely beyond me and confuses me. Someone suggested she might be a trophy from his conquests of kingdoms, forced to marry him or maybe she's a fellow scientist who met him during the MADS days or maybe she just happened to meet him and see a much nicer, even more romantic romantic of him before? (Imagine Judge acting like Sanj lmfao.) We also never saw his eyebrows even after he lost his helmet!

Either it's not important or it's hidden for a reason, but Sora's last name, her family/biological surname before marriage I unknown. She's also named the same as fictional hero of the Marines Sora, who faced against Germa which is extremely ironic.
Is that coincidence (which I doubt it is somehow) or is there a greater meaning to that and why we still know so little about her and thus Judge too? Maybe relating to Sanjis unexplained fire powers too, especially now he can use Diable Jambe and set himself on fire without needing to spin?

I actually meant him awakening as Sora the hero of the Marines who seems to be only fictional so far, but I've thought there was a real Sora out there to inspire this one and maybe the WG/Marines purposely put out this propaganda comic to make Sora seem much more heroic and innocent especially if the actual Sora hero was a monster or at least controversial? What if Germa back then were more innocent and framed by the WG purposely? Judges speech to BM implied massive tragedy, loss (particularly genocide), regret and such.

Sanji awakening as his mother would be beautifully sweet, heartfelt and wonderful imo, his mother living on through him, her greatest success (as opposed to Judges greatest failure ironically) and her sacrifice being even less in vain, especially with him destroying the raid suit and refusing to become like his siblings. Maybe this is why Oda was quiet about Okamas for Sanji and thus a "Okama mode" post TS? So many of us expected it but we got evil/Nazi Super Sentai Germa and his actual family reveal instead ofc. Sanjis mother was a Queen with blonde hair, he fought a flamboyant man called Queen with blonde hair who some regard as an Okama, is an evil scientist like Sanjis father and was obsessed with the raid suit and also a fan of Germas modified powers and lack of emotions/humanity/compassion/empathy.

I'm probably overthinking all of this ofc buy I live for associations and setup like this, especially in One Piece, whose world building and lore I really love.

There's also Evil Sanj as mentioned ofc and I suggested recently he may awaken with the fallen angel and a version of the devil, Lucille as Sanji is heavily associated with Hell, demons and such.
I think Oda wanted Sora to be an angel Roo symbolically. I also love Odas foreshadowings for Sanji's past back at Jaya too.
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I'd be disappointed if Oda gloosses over the issue after teasing us with it. It has to lead us to something good related to Sanji in this arc.
Yeah I absolutely agree. I loved the internal conflicts Sanji has had here and at WCI.This has been very compelling and personally relatable.
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That was exactly my thought about Jinbe, how he could escape and then he didn't answer how he escape. But when Jinbe encounter BM in this arc, she didn't say anything about it only that Jinbe would pay for what he did. So it seems like more they really escape under water. I mean look at Judge and his two siblings, how the hell only Yonji and Niji got caught off but not Judge and the rest of the entire Germa66 with a huge fucking ship who was covered by 100 of Big mom ships?

What did Smoothie,Oven,Daifuku and Snack do during that time? How Judge,Ichiji and Reiju could even escape infront of that large force with so many strong people?

That doesn't make any sense...
But what ever,the coverstory sound interesting so I can't wait for me stuff.
Yeah underwater escape seems like the most previous and logical answer.

The Germa stuff makes no sense as you pointed out too especially. Snack failed to stop an injured Judge offscreen too? Lmfao.

Smoothie is borderline useless too. Oven was somewhat competent and Daifuku is kinda gimmicky and dumb too. Daifuku DF has insane potential especially if it awakens or has a mythical zoan variant.

The cover story definitely sounds interesting but only getting 1 panel per chapter is torture. Capones cover story was at least 30 something pages/panels which meant it went on for ages too.

I has your post in my quotes thing and never responded so I thought I would reply now haha.
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