General & Others The "wings" of other crews/group

Wings mean they are the second and third most important of the crew, so Killer and Heat for Kid, Ben Beckman and Lucky Roo for Shanks, etc.
I doubt it just to say 2nd and 3rd strongest. There should be some type of relitivity in role within the group and/or strength
And not every crew has a wings equivalent. Even tho every group has a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc strongest
Not every crew has that. Some crews clearly have a standalone right hand i.e. Big Mom and Shanks.
Yeah not everyone
Im just curious who does have something similar


For Dragon most likely to be Sabo and some other commander since Kuma and Ivankov were out since pre-timeskip.

For Sengoku most likely were Garp and Aokiji.

For Akainu is tricky. Kizaru for sure is one of them but don't know who could be the other. Definitely not Fujitora and maybe not Greenbull since they didn't fight because of Akainu's orders.

For Big Mom is Katakuri and Perospero.

For Shanks is Benn Beckman and Lucky Roux.

Teach: Shiryu and Burgess.

Moria: Absalom and Perona.

Too bad some people has only 1 wing. Smoker only have Tashigi. Crocodile only have Mr 1. Coby only have Helmeppo.
  • BB: Shiliew and Laffitte
  • Shanks: Benn and Lucky
  • Dragon: Sabo and Iva
  • WB: Marco and Jozu
  • Roger: Ray and Gaban
  • BM: Kata and Smoothie
  • Kaido: King and Queen
  • Law: Bepo and Penguin/Shachi
  • Kid: Killer and Heat
  • Bege: Vito and Gotty
  • Hancock: Sand and Mari
  • Croc: All Sunday and 1
  • Buggy: Mohji and Cabaji
  • Arlong: Hatchan and Kuroobi
  • Spandam: Lucci and Kaku
  • Moria: Absalom and Hogback
  • Akainu: Fujitora and Ryokugyu
  • Doffy: Trebol and Diamante
  • Foxy: Hamburg and Porsche
  • Oden: Kin and Denjiro
  • Shiki: Indigo and Scarlet
  • Hina: Jango and Fullbody
  • Fake Luffy: Fake Zoro and Fake Sanji