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Kagu Nyan

✨✨✨Hibernation mode on 🎵 ✨✨✨

With Arthas gone, Invincible [Mythical] is left without it's master is left without a master, the first 8 people that quote this post are elligible to join a tourney with this mount as it's prize.
I want to join.
Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter was triggered

The Scourge Mafia super killed @Arp Bladstrum / Thrall !

Coldflame was used on ???

Repulsive researcher was activated

Tail smash was used on ???

Unstable magic was used on ???, ??? and ???

The Scourge Mafia attempted to recruit ??? but it failed.

Brutal Attack was used on ???

The Azure Dragonflight Mafia attempted to kill ??? but failed.

Pickaxe was activated

Multi-shot was activated

Summon Skeleton was activated

Lifebinder was activated

Pulsating shockwave was activated

Arc Lightning was activated

Potent Pheromones failed

Amped up Mind Blast was used to Ultra kill @Adam 🍎 / Jaina Proudmoore

With his wincon fullfilled @TheAncientCenturion / Mal'Ganis has won and left the game!

Day 4 starts, you have 24 hours to discuss.

You may vote end day if you want to end the day earlier.

Girl this whole post makes me want to drag the hosts a little hold on
Okay now first of all y'all know you are wrong for using that picture of Jaina with her nipples out. First of all that's not even a picture of Jaina from WotLK, that picture is from the second-to-most-recent expansion which is maaany years after WotLK. Jaina was blond in WotLK. Y'all just used that picture cuz her nipples were out in it. So already you're nasty.

Second, y'all know that Mal'Ganis role makes no sense, like why would Mal'Ganis specifically need to kill Jaina and Malygos of all people? :seriously:

I'm mostly triggered about that Jaina picture but I wanted to add that I stand firm on the Mal'Ganis role not making sense so no TAC I do not care that you were right and I was (technically) wrong :gonope:
I see no n****, am I blind?….

If there are which I really don’t see them then my apologies If I offended anyone, will edit the picture out… Sorry, I didn’t mean to sour your mood or w.e.

As for the hair you’re right, lemme find something better.
Lmao okay Fuji I'm just saying, like

I don't know which one of you chose that picture for her but you were looking at the boobs when you did it

like why else would you have randomly chosen that super inaccurate picture lmaooo
Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter was triggered

The Scourge Mafia super killed @Arp Bladstrum / Thrall !

Coldflame was used on ???

Repulsive researcher was activated

Tail smash was used on ???

Unstable magic was used on ???, ??? and ???

The Scourge Mafia attempted to recruit ??? but it failed.

Brutal Attack was used on ???

The Azure Dragonflight Mafia attempted to kill ??? but failed.

Pickaxe was activated

Multi-shot was activated

Summon Skeleton was activated

Lifebinder was activated

Pulsating shockwave was activated

Arc Lightning was activated

Potent Pheromones failed

Amped up Mind Blast was used to Ultra kill @Adam 🍎 / Jaina Proudmoore

With his wincon fullfilled @TheAncientCenturion / Mal'Ganis has won and left the game!

Day 4 starts, you have 24 hours to discuss.

You may vote end day if you want to end the day earlier.

To see two great warriors die under my watch..... it's truly a dark day...
Arcane breath was used on ???

Spell bind was used on ??? but it was bounced back to them

Searing beam was used on ???

Follow the trail was used on ???

Summon Sekeleton was activated

Summon Sekeleton was activated

Blinding Shot was used on ???

Inspiring speech was used on ??? who used Vengeance Arrow to Ultra kill @Lindltaylor / Blood Queen Lana'thel :

ayyy nice shot ^^
Welcome to Wintergrasp

Wintergrasp Fortress is an ancient Titan stronghold built to protect the Vault of Archavon. First 10 players who quote this message will enter a R/P/S Tournament.
Bitch did you guys know I race changed from Alliance to Horde over this fucking zone back in Wrath

I played on Moon Guard and in that battle group, Horde almost always won Wintergrasp, so I never got to do the Vault of Archavon. That probably wouldn’t bother me today, especially since Wrath was already easy enough without farming that loot piñata of a raid, but when I was twelve it bothered me enough to race change even though I had never played Horde before. I actually stayed Horde through Cataclysm and MOP before finally race changing back to Alliance for WOD.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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