Sanji lights a Joint

Sanji- keep Nami san away from the fight, let me handle Kaido as one of the Wing.

Kaido- Boobs hunter Sanji, fuck off

Sanji gives a badass pose and is about to Ifrit karambit Jambe
We can see Black, brown, white multiverse color flame on his D and leg
Mutton KFC burger shot

Hits Kaido



The hit was so powerful that Sanji broke his leg and D.

Kaido- You did well as a cook, now bring me your VC the one that left this scar on me :@


:yasu::moonwalk::yasu:Fiends vs Providers Chapter 7:yasu::moonwalk::yasu:

It's time to check on what Providers and Fiends did during the break :kobeha:

How did providers deal with @jmena ninja'ing @Lance_Dragonite and leaking earlier than supposed to? :risicheck:

Also, I always love how dedicated @RobertoTheOharaSurvivor and @Fuckthis3 are to the anime and Toei, I bet they were REALLY concerned to hear about the Roof Piece episodes delay. Oh and btw....Who hacked Toei?

Chapter 7 exposes the culprits :risitameh:

In Chapter 6, we already saw what Mods were doing during break week :doffytroll:
Quoting it here cause I want both chapters in the same post lol
:yasu::moonwalk::yasu: Fiends vs Providers Chapter 6:yasu::moonwalk::yasu:
Ah yes, break week....when providers aren't providing but fiends are still fiending! What are Fiends, Providers and Mods up to with no chapter? I wanted to edit 2 chapters. One for Mods' activity during break as Providers and Fiends aren't clashing. And one on how Fiends and Providers are spending the break :doffytroll:

I had no time at all the past few days, so I only edited the mods' break week chapter this morning.
Dunno when I'll get the time to do the fiends and providers one.

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So whos the real enemy in wano after Joyboy defeated Kaidou?

This is Tatsuya Nagamine the head director for Wano Kuni and this was from 2019, not even SandmanAP said anything about an translation error or that he specifically meant Kaidou with it.

Golden lion Shiki?
Wang Zhi?
