For some reason black girls love Yoruichi
A lot of people think she is black so she works as representation for them. Plus shes fierce, sassy, hot and such ofc. I still feel she might be Indian, although that might just be my wishful thinking. She has a sort of Arabic or Persian vibe to me maybe? Persian cat? Lol. Although Kubo might be playing it very much on the nose by making her a black cat too and thus symbolising she is meant to be black.
Either way shes amazing regardless of what her ethnicity is ofc, any of them is a win really.
Reminds me of the same situation with Nessa in Pokemon who I feel is more Indian or so but people think she's black too. Once again, black, Indian or (African/Carribean or whatever as opposed to saying black ofc) is a win either way too. Black or brown, on them I'd still love to go down!