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Lead them to paradise.
Technically it was 5 votes on Soul, 4 on me. I'm not sure what happened, I guess a few more townies had double votes maybe. Wouldn't have minded a coin flip though
UB had 2 VP, rest none.

Muu/UB/SK/Zolo was 5. It was 5vs5 but SK has a passive that negates one of the votes on him and it landed on Ali making it 5vs 4 votes.

I wanted a coin toss lol, If Zolo didnt vote it was a tie.


Lead them to paradise.
I had fun here, too. I think maybe my point is getting mixed up here - while I prefer one thing, I can get enjoyment out of another. It's just in this case, I feel like with the nature of these games, I end up putting more in than I'd maybe like to, so I think in future I'll put a bit less in. I mean look I have over 1500 posts lol, I don't want to be hitting that much. Whether I'll actually restrain myself is another matter, my point is in no way against your games here. I've had more fun in those than other SRM games. Pokemon most of all.
I see, you end up being way more invested than you want to.

I might do a Pokemon sequel soon on NF, you told me before to auto sign you in my game is that still in effect.


The End and the Beginning
I see, you end up being way more invested than you want to.

I might do a Pokemon sequel soon on NF, you told me before to auto sign you in my game is that still in effect.
Yes, lol. I never said I wouldn't play them, too. I'll probably sign up to your one here as well. Just that I will be a bit more passive where I can be.
I mean, I *still* don't know what my locked abilities would have been, but there is exactly 0 chance I would have gone unsuspected for multiple days of this game even if I wasn't lynched D1, considering I had no actives and was immune to everything. The hosts had the impression that it was going to happen sooner or later, and whatever I would have unlocked would have been worth it even if I was outted.
If there’s one problem I had was @Juliet - You outing the my whole team like that made me quite salty and mad tbh.

Since it objectively served no purpose to your survival at that point, I really don’t know what you were going for.

But, whatever. GG to you too.
It was some of my buddies idea who said to out Mango since I was already outed and I went along with it. I don't remember what it was for and I think it was for confusion and chaos.

Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
Ngl there were some very questionable calls being made by my team. I was disappointed by some but I gotta stick up for them. They did what they thought was good I assume. Anyway, I hope we can leave all the drama and stuff behind. The last few games of mafia have been very toxic and dramatic.
The end of the adventure:

After the death of their friend now turned enemy, everyone gathered in the local inn to discuss their following move. Alas one of them just had enough and wanted to be freed from their mortal coil, their supplicant voice confessed that they've become bad and couldn't handle that feeling so they wished for the sweet release of death. But the other adventurers refused, believing that there be lies hidden within the tears. And so refusing to help her everyone went back home awaiting the next fateful day, so that they may finish this journey once and for all. With tears in her eye the bearded woman attempted one last act of violence against a fella who struck her back, it finally happened! She thought. But while drowning in her bliss she didnt not see the axe coming down on her...

Shattering throw was used on ???
The Azure Dragonflight Mafia killed @Zolo / Freya the Redeemed while ''Chestguard of Rampaging [Epic] Activate this and target whoever visits you with a kill, cannot be used in conjunction with any other action or ability.'' was active.

@Flowa / Brann Bronzebeard has been killed

And with no threats left within Northrend, Town and the good part of @Ratchet / Nozdormu and @TheAncientCenturion / Mal'Ganis have won! Congratulation to the winners!

The Scourge Mafia, The Old gods cult and The Azure Dragonflight Mafia have lost!

Thank you guys for playing and thanks to @Dr_Professor83 for helping me, I hope you had as much fun playing this as I had hosting. There were a lot of hiccups and challenges along the way and there were many times where I wanted to give up but I owed it to you all to see it through to the end, GG.

Town MVPs: @Grammaton / @Underworld Broker / @Ratchet and @Worst

Scum MVPs: The entire Jobbers Mafia , they were the shining light of positivity and fun in this game.Barely complained and just took everything in stride. @Lindltaylor / @Nana / @Sallucion as we as @MangoSenpai 's bodybuilding talk.

Honorable mentions: @Flowa / @Ratchet Scum duo from last day phase.

1- @Sallucion Singradosa Lynched D4
2- @Juliet Eregos Lynched D3
3- @Kagurashii Tirion Fordring Killed D1
4- @Ultra Yogg Saron Lost D5
5- @MangoSenpai Arthas Game removed D3
6- @Ratchet
7- @Dr. Watson Replaced by @Don DaSlayer Replaced by @T-Pein™ Drakos the interrogator Killed D3
8- @Robin Darion Mograine Lynched D5
9- @ConquistadoR Mimiron Killed N1
10- @Peroroncino
11- @RippedCal Dranosh Saurfang Killed D2 Revived Day 2 Killed N5
12- @T-Pein™ Replaced by @Light D Lamperouge Replaced by @jinri Varos Cloudstrider Killed N4
13- @Cooler Replaced by @Kagurashii Aethas Sunreaver Killed D5
14- @LANJI CUCKSMOKE Replaced by @SoulKiller
15- @Flowa
16- @TheAncientCenturion Mal'Ganis Won D4.
17- @Grammaton High King Varian Wrynn Killed D4 Revived D5
18- @Jew D. Boy Replaced by @MUUGEN
19- @oddoddfruit Lady Liadrin Died n5
20- @Underworld Broker
21- @God Of Mafia Malygos Lynched D2
22- @Blue
23- @Cinera Varok Saurfang killed N1
24- @Worst Replaced by @Adam 🍎 Sylvanas Windrunner Game Removed D6
25- @Ekkologix Vereesa Windrunner Killed N2
26- @Hayumi Replaced @Rej Valeera Sanguinar Killed D3
27- @Nick Hemet Nesingwary Killed N2
28- @Adam 🍎 Jaina Proudmoore Killed N3
29- @Juice Replaced by @Reborn
30- @Yo Tan Wa Rhonin killed D2 Revived Day 2 Killed Day 2 2.0
31- @Nana Professor Putricide Killed Day 5
32- @Xlaw Marrowgar Killed D4
33- @Arp Bladstrum Thrall Killed N3
34- @Lindltaylor Blood Queen Lana'thel Killed D4 Revived D5 Killed D5
35- @Zolo

@Kvothe Kingkiller @novaselinenever @jinri
Tyvm @Fujishiro and @Dr_Professor83 ! Had a lot of fun.

@Nana @Lindltaylor @Xlaw and later @MangoSenpai Thanks for being awesome.
Thank you so much for the game @Fujishiro @Dr_Professor83

It was a lot of fun, the items, mechanics, roles and maps were amazing!!

To my amazing team - @Sallucion @Nana @MangoSenpai and @Xlaw love you all my jobbers! Had so much fun with you!

Congrats to the winners and the MVPs!
@Lindltaylor @Sallucion @Nana @MangoSenpai u guys were awesome..Looking forward to play with u guys again as team..
Thanks for the game and for my team


We might have been the floppiest mafia team ever but it was funnnnnnn:smoothy:
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