Who will defeat Kaido?

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Congratulations, you jinxed this shitty act to keep going. You made the right guess, you called it, well done. So proud of you. Not sure why you felt the need to bring this up now after all this time, but you do you, you take that feeling of superiority and relish it if you need it that much.


There are much bigger problems going on anyway now thanks to Lolda/Trollda/Frauda and his stupid retcons/plot-holes/fucking up his own 25 years of writing/lore/world building etc.

At this point, OP is feeling like its getting much closer to the end of the series itself, I can't see Wano having anymore acts and we're stuck in this hellhole of Act 3 until the fucking eventual end of Wano which god knows how far away it is at this point.

If this is happening now, then what the fuck is gonna happen vs Blackbeard, the Admirals, WG etc? Is Luffy really going to get even more powerups beyond this somehow? Is he even going to get to meet with Shanks and have their 25+ years IRL in the making reunion?

With this reveal about Luffys DF being something completely different and this random fictional character god Nika, I just could care less honestly. What else has Oda lied to us about? Just how much is he hiding from us? Everything we've seen with Luffys DF is now false, everything we know of it.

This is the worst retcon I've ever seen, the biggest and most damaging, congratulations Oda. Imagine not being able to catch a single fucking devil fruit for 800 years, they make Jessie, James and Meowth of Team Rocket seem immensely competent by comparison!
Well damn..........:handsup:
Being spoonfed maybe? lol. Getting something without him working hard out of it? Makes no difference to the free genes of Lanji so Zorotards exactly has no reason to make fun of Lanji when Zoro has his own shares of freebies. lol
Getting something without paying for it isn't being spoonfed lol. Only reason Zoro got Enma was because he fought Killer and saved Hiyori. That's work. Again people just want to clutch at straws. Weird flex.
holy shit!
i was wondering why did kaido handcuff yamato with sea stone 20 years ago.
she had ate the fruit way before oden execution.
the fruit is the animal spirit guardian of wano, that puts her motivations into perspective.
if she hadn't eaten the fruit she wouldn't give an F about oden or saving wano from kaido.
her animosity toward kaido is entirely originated from her devil fruit.
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