Spoiler One Piece Chapter 973 Spoilers Discussion

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Lead them to paradise.
From what I've gathered King has a sword, so that makes him a swordsman, therefore he is Zoro's opponent. Even though we don't know who's fighting who yet. Once the war actually starts on Onigashima we should have a better understanding of the fights that will take place there.
I mean lots of people have swords, hawkins for example. But I get ya. I just feel weird about the fact that people want zoro to fight king straight away. I wanted him to fight kyoshiro and get stronger then fight king. That would’ve made his win believable. Oh well, we shall see how things play out.


Lead them to paradise.
It's Oda's formula. Zoro usually fights the second strongest. This is even mentioned in the vivre cards. King and Queen seem tailor-made for Zoro and Sanji.
Yes but in that same vivre card it says that luffy is stronger than him. Zoro did nothing post skip to warrant him beating a fm right now, whereas luffy fought tooth and nail to get there. If you think zoro can tango with king right now then it must mean that he came out of the timeskip stronger then luffy.
yup ^^ and haha, we still don't know where he ranks yet :p but I'd wager he's around the same general level as the likes of Ashura, Inu and Neko. If so I think he'd be a good warm up for Zoro. Also we shouldn't underestimate the Wano Samurai, they have some pretty interesting techniques that Zoro could pick up. Plus he himself stated that he'd like to fight the Wano Samurai way back on PH IIRC.
Zoro's fought the wano samurai and they are chumps

This random guy introduced like at chapter 40 of the arc bring as strong as Ashura is a slap in the face to Ashura
Thats exactly what they want, and its fucking boring. I dont understand how they get excited about that prospect. I suspect some of them are fairy tail fans at this point.
Nothing wrong being a Fairy Tail fans.
For all we know, Fairy Tail:
1. Doesn't offpanel its matches
2. Doesn't have a dumb MC that keeps spamming "wanna be PK" in every chance
3. No flashback within flashback
4. The author doesn't get confused between "boiling" and "frying"
5. No break every few weeks, if anything sometimes there are double or even triple!!!!! chapters in a week

But but Fairy Tail is filled with plot armor!!1 yep, like Luffy vs Katakuri fight?
But but Fanservice Tail!!1 Yep, just like how Nami dressed all the way from Fishman island to Dressrosa arcs, Rebecca, etc?
But but Fairy Tail's villains are dumb despite being greatly hyped? Yep, like Big "Weeddiiingg Caakeeee" Meme, Kaido of 100 hostages and Kaido the genius who sent Luffy to summer camp Udon?
Nothing wrong being a Fairy Tail fans.
For all we know, Fairy Tail:
1. Doesn't offpanel its matches
2. Doesn't have a dumb MC that keeps spamming "wanna be PK" in every chance
3. No flashback within flashback
4. The author doesn't get confused between "boiling" and "frying"
5. No break every few weeks, if anything sometimes there are double or even triple!!!!! chapters in a week

But but Fairy Tail is filled with plot armor!!1 yep, like Luffy vs Katakuri fight?
But but Fanservice Tail!!1 Yep, just like how Nami dressed all the way from Fishman island to Dressrosa arcs, Rebecca, etc?
But but Fairy Tail's villains are dumb despite being greatly hyped? Yep, like Big "Weeddiiingg Caakeeee" Meme, Kaido of 100 hostages and Kaido the genius who sent Luffy to summer camp Udon?
Your love of fairy tail is very strange to me

Tho i do gotta admit edens zero has been fun tho the last chapter can really fuck shit up for the future of the series
Yes but in that same vivre card it says that luffy is stronger than him. Zoro did nothing post skip to warrant him beating a fm right now, whereas luffy fought tooth and nail to get there. If you think zoro can tango with king right now then it must mean that he came out of the timeskip stronger then luffy.
But Zoro's always training... unlike luffy and everyone else who waits for their fights to get stronger, Zoro is canonically always training off screen... even when he gets Enma he immediately starts training

So there's no justification for saying that even Fishman island Zoro is as strong as Dressrosa Zoro unless you think either Zoro's training doesn't matter or you think Zoro doesnt train at all (which is saying Oda is lying that Zoro always trains)


Lead them to paradise.
Nothing wrong being a Fairy Tail fans.
For all we know, Fairy Tail:
1. Doesn't offpanel its matches
2. Doesn't have a dumb MC that keeps spamming "wanna be PK" in every chance
3. No flashback within flashback
4. The author doesn't get confused between "boiling" and "frying"
5. No break every few weeks, if anything sometimes there are double or even triple!!!!! chapters in a week

But but Fairy Tail is filled with plot armor!!1 yep, like Luffy vs Katakuri fight?
But but Fanservice Tail!!1 Yep, just like how Nami dressed all the way from Fishman island to Dressrosa arcs, Rebecca, etc?
But but Fairy Tail's villains are dumb despite being greatly hyped? Yep, like Big "Weeddiiingg Caakeeee" Meme, Kaido of 100 hostages and Kaido the genius who sent Luffy to summer camp Udon?
I agree with most of the stuff but the kaido thing has already been debunked, don’t use it if you want to be taken seriously. My problem with fairy tail is asspull power ups of the bullshit category.
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