Who will defeat Kaido?

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Because it is Kaido's DF.
Momo already has a role nobody in the alliance can play, that is to hold Onigashima.
The Scabbards are already making preparations to open Wano's border (which is why Denjiro has been missing for so long), I mean sure Momo could order Zunesha to do something in order to complete the opening of the borders but that as far as I think it would go.
CP-0 talked about the Fruit Momo ate, not Kaidou himself
Very true, its a power fitting Luffy the most.

Imagine if he can increase or decrease his speed however fast or slow he wants to, to the point of stopping floating static in the air, or make faster-than-light-attacks. Imagine if he can bloat his size and also increase his mass to no limit just like that Popeye stuff he showed in the summary. How about increasing the density of his body into harder than diamond? I would lllove stuff like this for application of Luffy's freedom theme.

Relaxxxxx…. That’s entering the realm of alchemy manipulation and reality warping


I will only say this much: I once posted a 100% correct spoiler from a different known (!) source that isn't not connected to redon at all before redon's "leaks" came out.

My post got deleted without any comment.
They expect fake spoilers from all sides these days :kailaugh: Blame all the people who write oUt and sPOiLeRZ iN 10 :luffylaugh:
Massive power up = Equal drawback. Kaido gets thrown off the Island (just like he jumped from an Island in the sky, and then he'll land near or in the Flower Capital.

We all know who'll be waiting :zosmug:

This scene stated before Luffy awakening his devil fruit.
We haven't seen Kaido's awakening nor do we know if he has one.

If he does will it completely recover him? Will it increase his recovery power to the point he can only be defeated by an attack powerful enough to completely overcome his recovery power?

We are know seeing Luffy trump card and last powerup. Luffy said he has reached his limit.
Thé 3 captains vs Kaido would have been so much better. The 3 awakenings or 2 awakenings and adCOC

But the current power inflation in just one arc for Luffy is nonsense
But it might be needed with the next villian for luffy oda can't do that loseing luffy up to 4 times in one arc and than overcome the villian shit again .
I mean oke he does that now since the beginning :suresure:
But if the next villian is the exact same again then there is no growth for luffy .
I mean the stakes should be hight in a yonko battle i would like it more if it really is something like win or get lost now :goyea:
Luffy vs Kaido this arc :

- First clash Luffy loses
- Udon training and PU : AdCOC + training
- Second clash rooftop Luffy loses
- PU : AdCOC
- Third clash with adCOC Luffy loses
- Eat meat and learns to have better control over AdCOC
- Fourth clash Ad COC Luffy all out, Luffy loses
- PU : awakening and Nika
- Fifth clash

what the fuck is this fight……
It'd have been more acceptable if the loss where Luffy was sent out of Onigashima was the one Luffy was annouced dead by Kaido then he awakened in to make it seem less redandunt instead Oda chose to be repetitive.
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