Who will defeat Kaido?

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He did stop it albeit momentarily which gave the others time to move away ... you denying that happened shows your bias.

Even Kidd complemented the feat, the same f**ker who refuses help and doesn't acknowledge anyone but himself.
I am not denying it. I am stating fact that it's an attempted block because he was unable to completly block it. It was still awesome if we look at it seriously but it is not like what Zorotards think that he completely tanked it.

Yeah Kidd complemented it. I'll give you that. But Kidd reiterated that it was only 1 second. Which make it further proved that it's an incomplete attempt to stop the attack.
I think Kaido will be defeated in this block of chapters before the next break,so in the next 2 chapters.
Maybe. It depends on what Oda wants to cover. If he has awakening, i have a feeling it will last a b9t longer (but not by much).

Volume 103 technically should end next chapter, and I think a good cliffhanger is teasing his final power/powerup.

If that's the case, then 104 "should" have a decent amount of fight content as defeating Kaido in the first chapter of a volume seems very weird (unless of course, 103 is an 11 chapter volume and it ends with 1046).
How do you guys feeel if there's no dedicated flashback for Kaidou
Odd. Because it's been hinted at now multiple times. With Linlin losing and Kaido already having a flashback in the first person perspective already makes it seem like it's meant to happen. Plus, he's the last person to remember the Rocks event from their perspective. We need to at least see some of it.


Zoro Worshipper
@Finalbeta would you agree current Luffy NEGSSSSSSS Zoro?

I mean specifically Joyboy Luffy
Not at all.

If an healthy Zoro met Kaido he would give him a great fight.

Not only his strongest attacks would arguably scar him under a similar pattern Oden followed, but his defence is good enough he would afford to be struck a few times before going down and he's likely capable to dodge a few attacks either given how proficiently he was dodging Boro Breath back on the rooftop.


Zoro Worshipper
This right here fellas is the typical braindead Luffy fan, this kind of individual decides to wank the protagonist as it is a safe bet, seeing how the protagonist will always have the focus on him, and will get the longest and most important fights.

But you see a braindead luffy fan is not a regular luffy fan, what differentiates them is that they are not just braindead as the name imply, but they are also insecure lil' bitches
As soon as a character gets too close to Luffy the dead tissue in their brains will distort their memory to something that never happened in the manga, and every time they read the manga, they see pannels that are diferent than the ones a normal person sees, current technology for the first time allows us to see what a braindead luffy stan see when they read the manga:
This is what a normal person sees:

Now lets put it into a scanner soo we can see what a braindead one piece reader would see:
Believing Enma granted Zoro his advanced CoC and proficient CoA is like trusting in fairy tales and ignoring the notions that Oden didn't store any haki in Enma before dying and that swords are living objects so the "soul" people infer about is nothing but the own intelligence of the sword. :zosmug:

Deleted member 10278

Luffy vs Kaido this arc :

- First clash Luffy loses
- Udon training and PU : AdCOA + training
- Second clash rooftop Luffy loses
- PU : AdCOC
- Third clash with adCOC Luffy loses
- Eat meat and learns to have better control over AdCOC
- Fourth clash Ad COC Luffy all out, Luffy loses
- PU : awakening and Nika
- Fifth clash

what the fuck is this fight……

Even our guy Rayan is dumbfounded, that’s how you know Oda done messed up lol
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