Oda in this arc pretty much said, "screw everything I established before". Why was Killer able to retrieve Hawkin's straw doll and yet Law couldn't do it with his devil fruit powers when Hawkins took his crew's straw dolls?
EDIT: Thanks to @ankama
There, Law has not even one, but several opportunities to resist Hawkins at once. In fact, his power can neutralize Hawkins or dolls without harming his people, as in the first fight in Wano.
Law could use Scan and remove the dolls easly.
Yes, at first, he didn't know how Hawkins DF worked. But after first attack Law immidieatly get how it work, when first attack switched to another person, he just cut Hawkins people and then attack Hawkins with with a satisfied smile. Hawkins even praised Law's sharp mind, when said: "well, you certainly think on your feet!"
Law could use Radio knife, and, no matter what ability and trick Hawkins have, few minutes he will be defenseless target.
Yes, all this threat to Law and taking hostages is completely meaningless and stupid, since Law can attack and neutralize without causing damage.

EDIT: Thanks to @ankama
There, Law has not even one, but several opportunities to resist Hawkins at once. In fact, his power can neutralize Hawkins or dolls without harming his people, as in the first fight in Wano.

Law could use Scan and remove the dolls easly.

Yes, at first, he didn't know how Hawkins DF worked. But after first attack Law immidieatly get how it work, when first attack switched to another person, he just cut Hawkins people and then attack Hawkins with with a satisfied smile. Hawkins even praised Law's sharp mind, when said: "well, you certainly think on your feet!"

Law could use Radio knife, and, no matter what ability and trick Hawkins have, few minutes he will be defenseless target.

Yes, all this threat to Law and taking hostages is completely meaningless and stupid, since Law can attack and neutralize without causing damage.
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