Well. . . I am trying to recycle myself (work career).

So let me explain why i ask.
Software Development is an area with a bunch of work out there and they can pay very well, but... don't believe the amazing life styles you see on youtube about it.
I've quit from the area after college, because i just don't think i'm cut out for the software development market.
Programming and Working in Software Development are very different.
Programming at it's core is really fun, you get to learn how to control / manipulate your computers, you learn how to solve problems and you get constant "updates" on your progress as a developer, it's actually quite great.
Programming for fun / learning is so much different than working in Software Development
Working in Software Development is a fucking hellscape imo. I could be wrong, and maybe you could ask some guys like @Krusher1357 @Flynn @Finalbeta if i'm wrong. But working in Software Development means constantly studying in your off time hours to keep up to date with new tech and tools, because if you stay still for like 5 years, everything you do now can become obsolete. Not only that, you will be dealing with a lot of managers / project leaders that don't know much about actual programming and keep putting insane deadlines on things that just aren't feasible, it's hard to predict how long it's gonna take for a software to be ready when you don't know the problems you're gonna face trying to write the code and how long it will take to find a solution.
So basically what i mean is that working in software development is a massive stress put on a person's head / mental health. If you are looking for stability and a good enough paying job without much stress (which is my goal), i don't recommend working in Software Development.
But if you wanna do the work, get better at this craft and always keep getting better, than by all means go for it, you can get a lot of money.
Just expect a lot of stress and A LOT of extra hours close to software releases.