[FNZ] Role Madness Toonami Mafia I: Fullmetal Alchemist

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You claim to no be scar so did you appear in previous WUs? I'd like your claim.
No, Ive not taken any actions yet. Im not going to claim in light of what just happened, theres a decent chance Im on a list. Immediate survival isnt a priority as counterintuitive as that may seem, if I have to take the lynch so be it, but Im not going to open my role up to potential manipulation.


Arbiter of Truth
i was the one telling town not to claim since the beginning meanwhile gram wanted town to mass claim and we find out he can omega kill you if you claim use that bald head of yours
So now you're not only appealing to emotion by calling me names, but use this as a basis?

I have in fact seen the post in question, and his reasoning was that if this was a copy paste of the previous game, it would be easy to just mass claim and solve the game this way.

If you believe this was some kind of attempt for him to get claims to kill as Scarface, then I believe you are basing it a faulty basis.

In my eyes you have more or less already confirmed you are scarface by your plays, you cannot fool science.



When were you under the impression this game is..
No, Ive not taken any actions yet. Im not going to claim in light of what just happened, theres a decent chance Im on a list. Immediate survival isnt a priority as counterintuitive as that may seem, if I have to take the lynch so be it, but Im not going to open my role up to potential manipulation.
Its safe to assume Ratchet did something to check you so are you saying you were bus driven or something? I see no reason for Ratchet to lie.
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