[FNZ] Role Madness Toonami Mafia I: Fullmetal Alchemist

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No lie though Ultra's freakout has me concerned, he's the type of dude that actually reads the game and he cant have missed the stuff with Prof and me saying on whom culting fails. He could well be red tbh.
It was bad enough that you didn't rescind your attempt to convert me after outing yourself, now you're accusing me of being red. Of course I'm going to be irritated, because you're determined to make me suspect on both accounts, and neither is true.

God Father Omega Killed Greed/Fujishiro but not before it triggered it's amped Greedy Digestion to force Father into a best of 3 R/P/S battle. If Greed wins he and his cult will win by taking Father down with him. If he loses Ling will absorb Greed

Everyone but 5 players have been role blocked this phase by Father


Lead them to paradise.
It was bad enough that you didn't rescind your attempt to convert me after outing yourself, now you're accusing me of being red. Of course I'm going to be irritated, because you're determined to make me suspect on both accounts, and neither is true.
Actually not at all, you're still under the assumption that Im bad lol but once I win you revert back so idk why you're making such a fuss mate.
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