[FNZ] Role Madness Toonami Mafia I: Fullmetal Alchemist

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Do we think if we submitted actions before the rb those would still get processed or would that omega rb cancel everything?

even bypassing rb immune roles?


Even if it says everyone is RBed it doesnt mean its the truth, it doesnt hurt to try and use your actions anyways.
well I’m asking for actions already submitted that we’re sent in before all of this cause that entire sequence was in direct correlation of you outing yourself so say I submitted an action an hr or two prior even going back to start of phase will all those actions be roleblocked cause they were only not processed cause Aries was getting shwasted at the wedding.


Lead them to paradise.
well I’m asking for actions already submitted that we’re sent in before all of this cause that entire sequence was in direct correlation of you outing yourself so say I submitted an action an hr or two prior even going back to start of phase will all those actions be roleblocked cause they were only not processed cause Aries was getting shwasted at the wedding.
Those actions will go through if they were sent before that WU, though the fact that that WU appeared probably means that there were no actions prior tbh.
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