Speculations Sakazuki Is The Son Of Rocks D Xebec

Points of In-Story Evidence
1. The dialogue between Sakazuki and WB heavily implies that they were already familiar with each other before Marineford. They smiled when trading ranged attacks initially, WB constantly references him as “magma boy,” and has a far more casual demeanor overall towards him than other opponents. This would also explain why Sakazuki calls WB an old man so much.

2. Sakazuki has a really weird obsession with the Gol D. and Monkey D. bloodlines specifically. So much so that he was willing temporaroly abandon his idea of absolute justice (let the WB commanders escape) as long as he could get Luffy and Ace specifically. Perhaps his knowledge of the danger of their bloodlines comes from personal experience (Roger and Garp vs Rocks).

3. Akainu’s age and Oda’s drawing of him as a child correlate with what we know of Xebec.

Narrative Reasoning/Justification
A really cool twist would be if Akainu’s hatred of pirates was actually a projected hatred of his father, which would make him a darker, more twisted version of Ace (which would match the fact that magma is more intense/hot than fire).

I also think it would hit really hard if Sakazuki wasn’t just traumatized by pirates but his own scum bag father was one.
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Ew. Keep Sakazuki as far away from these “D” losers as possible. I would hate it if Sakazuki turned out to be one of these Fairy Tale characters lol.

But Oda ruins everything he touches so Sakazuki’s ruination is inevitable as well I guess.
I think it would be really really funny to watch Yonko fans and D wankers breakdown if Akainu has COC and is a D.
Imo it'd be better if akainu had his parents killed by rocks instead, him being his son doesn't add any depth to his character

Given his obsession with pirates I'm pretty sure he had a childhood that contrasts luffy's where instead of seing good pirates being free he saw fucked up pirates doing whatever they wanted
I disagree. I think virtually everyone anticipates a sad pirate-related backstory with Akainu, but I think it would hit especially hard if his own father was a scum bag pirate.
I disagree. I think virtually everyone anticipates a sad pirate-related backstory with Akainu, but I think it would hit especially hard if his own father was a scum bag pirate.
I guess, but akainu being the polar opposite of luffy would make him a far more compelling vilain imo and both having a completely different experience with freedom and pirates in general would add to his depth and make his potential fight with luffy more meaningful
he dialogue between Sakazuki and WB heavily implies that they were already familiar with each other before Marineford. They smiled when trading ranged attacks initially, WB constantly references him as “magma boy,” and has a far more casual demeanor overall towards him than other opponents. This would also explain why Sakazuki calls WB an old man so much.
Well , kizaru and rayleigh both knew each other prior to him coming to sabody from their dialogue, doesn't mean they're related

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Sakazuki is nothing like a D
Neither is Law. Most D’s are smiling idiots with identical personalities and Law is the polar opposite of that for the most part.

The more I’ve thought about this @AdmiralKinyagi the more I like the idea. It would show that Oda still knows how to properly write characters, which I’m still skeptical on.

If Sakazuki were the son of Rox, that would even further make him a foil to Luffy, Luffy being a pirate related to a Marine and Sakazuki a Marine being related to a Pirate. It would give even more meaning to Luffy’s fight with Akainu where the best character Oda has ever written (Papa) will tragically fall to one of the worst he’s ever written (Mythical Nika Condum)

We’ll see what happens I guess.

Garp the Fist

Neither is Law. Most D’s are smiling idiots with identical personalities and Law is the polar opposite of that for the most part.
D’s are about rebelling against the status quo and going against the established world order and the balance of power, which Law has done by setting in motion the plan to take down Kaido (and Doflamingo). They question the way the world is and try and change it. Law’s speech when he took Vergo firmly established why he’s a D.

Whereas Sakazuki is as far as we know the strongest person supporting the World Gov and the status quo. He didn’t even want the Warlords disbanded.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
D’s are about rebelling against the status quo and going against the established world order and the balance of power, which Law has done by setting in motion the plan to take down Kaido (and Doflamingo). They question the way the world is and try and change it. Law’s speech when he took Vergo firmly established why he’s a D.

Whereas Sakazuki is as far as we know the strongest person supporting the World Gov and the status quo. He didn’t even want the Warlords disbanded.
First off, Sakazuki does not want to uphold the status quo. He wants to destroy the Yonko which would throw the status quo into chaos. The Government wants the Yonko to exist because they maintain the power balance, hence why the Government has repeatedly helped Kaido during all of this arc. Sakazuki wants to destroy the Yonko which is why he moved his HQ closer to them and instituted the draft.

Second, a D character who actually did want to uphold the status quo while all the others do not, would be the definition of brilliant character-writing and would be the foundation for an exceptional foil to Luffy and the other Ds, so this point is moot.

But like I said, Sakazuki wants to destroy the Yonko whereas the Government itself wants the Yonko to exist, so Sakazuki does fulfill the “Ds destroying the status quo” thing that you mentioned anyway. Do not confuse Sakazuki wanting to keep the Warlords because they bolster the Government’s military power with Sakazuki wanting to uphold the status quo.