[FNZ] Role Madness Toonami Mafia I: Fullmetal Alchemist

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My role by the way.

Town: Eliminate all threats to town
Greed Ling: (hostile indie): ???

(Flash Bangs) Target any player and confuse them for a cycle. Works three times

(The Good Prince) Target 1 town ability that was activated in the dayphase and copy it as a one shot. Works three times

(Dragon Pulse) Target any player and if they are Homunculus find out their role

(Swordsman Slash) Target any player and negate their next action

(Curious Eye) You can lie detect player bypassing any immunity. Only works once

(Second Greed) When Greed has been killed or lynched Ling Yao becomes the second greed taking his abilities.


Lead them to paradise.
@Ultra Did you win? Also just wanna say I didnt appreciate you dissing @Lord Melkor like that mate. For sure winning the way we did was not what we wanted, left a sour taste in my mouth but we did more for town than most. And I was this close to finding Fathers identity, there was only Usopp and Zolo left to check in my Father pool. Anyways I hope you somehow won.


Cope Doctor

Increased their vote power by 5 via envy

Activated the motivational ability absorbed by Ed to reuse envy's ability to increase their vote power by 5 again. Gaining 13x vote power this dayphase

Giant statue was activated to increase eds vote power but it was not enough

Edward Elric/Soulkiller was lynched

The Homunculus Pot Goblin/ lust/Gluttony/Dante have won this game
what about my vote with 3x power?
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