[FNZ] Role Madness Toonami Mafia I: Fullmetal Alchemist

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Lead them to paradise.
@Ultra shame you were not active, I gave you one last chance to omega kill wrath lol. But rip

if ultra had won that and got rid of wrath, i would of omega killed Pot here. Oh well, all in all, this phase was fucking hilarious.
Dude @TheAncientCenturion killing the guy that protected him all game and you killing the guy that just refilled your kill was comedy gold.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
@Ultra Did you win? Also just wanna say I didnt appreciate you dissing @Lord Melkor like that mate. For sure winning the way we did was not what we wanted, left a sour taste in my mouth but we did more for town than most. And I was this close to finding Fathers identity, there was only Usopp and Zolo left to check in my Father pool. Anyways I hope you somehow won.
we had greed's role
no idea how yall won u didnt kill me directly lol
grats eitherway
@Joygirl I forgive you and hope you come back and play again. I did ask for time multiple times so your decision was rash and your reasoning even worse, If you thought rej was scum why not kill him before me when I defended him, then you see him flip town and wait for my actions to go through and see i shot at two scums.

I had plenty more fire power to come. A real disappointment. But everyone makes mistakes and you didn't deserve to be made to feel too bad about it so I'm sorry


Lead them to paradise.
congratulations to the greed faction for doing

nothing looool
You werent supposed to kill Father the way you did, he was immune to Omegas except from Greed and Ed/Al, I believe he had us win that way because Father wasnt supposed to die to you.

Greed faction did more than you ever could hope for.


Arbiter of Truth
Because Hohenheim was one of the key roles in this game? And claims were punished by omega kills.

@MangoSenpai @Ratchet can I see your roles? Actually I would like to see every role in this game.

(The Philosopher) Hohenheim can choose a player and amp one of their abilities for one cycle. Works twice

(Man of Miracles) Hohenheim can super protect a player from super-kills/heal them each cycle

(Destroying Father) Each night phase Hohenheim can look for father, if he finds him he can Omega kill him. Ineffective when Father becomes God

(Man with a Thousand Souls) Hohenheim is immune to most actions except investigations, a lynch, omega kills, philosopher stone abilities or Father targeting him with actions. Anything else that targets him their role action is negated. Absorb the first action that targets you in the cycle

(Body Block) Hohenheim can sacrifice himself to stop one of God Father’s Abilities from working

(Philosophers Stone Wall) Hohenheim can choose one Homunculus who is not Father and Role-block from performing actions for one cycle. Only works once.

(Soul’s Revolt) When Father absorbs God if yo[u're still alive then you can affect Father from performing his actions 100% the following cycle.

(We are one) Hohenheim has 3x vote power in the game
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