The Philosopher) Hohenheim can choose a player and amp one of their abilities for one cycle. Works twice
Man of Miracles) Hohenheim can super protect a player from super-kills/heal them each cycle
Destroying Father) Each night phase Hohenheim can look for father, if he finds him he can Omega kill him. Ineffective when Father becomes God
Man with a Thousand Souls) Hohenheim is immune to most actions except investigations, a lynch, omega kills, philosopher stone abilities or Father targeting him with actions. Anything else that targets him their role action is negated. Absorb the first action that targets you in the cycle
Body Block) Hohenheim can sacrifice himself to stop one of God Father’s Abilities from working
Philosophers Stone Wall) Hohenheim can choose one Homunculus who is not Father and Role-block from performing actions for one cycle. Only works once.
Soul’s Revolt) When Father absorbs God if yo[u're still alive then you can affect Father from performing his actions 100% the following cycle.
We are one) Hohenheim has 3x vote power in the game