[FNZ] Role Madness Toonami Mafia I: Fullmetal Alchemist

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What could have been...
There was no scam involved. The Cornello role was essentially a Zombie Cultist. I could use and amp abilities of dead players and use them as my pawns. I couldn't get your role because omegas are absolute and I see nothing wrong in absorbing an Indie role as Town to get more power for Town. Fact is, that role was also broken since it could have helped find Homunculi easily. I was gonna find Pride which I did with Fuji afterwards. He would have killed him and we would have had infinite lynch redirects and a lot of power. And quite frankly, we should have won by N1 since our plan wasn't even that broken. We would have changed our goal to killing Pride and not Father and would have succeeded. But alas, I'm never allowed to have my way ever, somehow, despite it not even breaking the balance of the game.
cornello role was really weak unless u get good abilities from other dead roles

wen i learned u were gna absorb it or revive it i didnt wanna say the real win con in hopes u can win with it lol
GG Mafia, anyway. Thought Nana was fake claiming Riza at the end, but the multi character roles were confusing lol.

@Ariess Kind of not a fan of how the Greed Cult were implemented this game. They were treated like Scum at the start, though were effectively Town, but I really don't know why they were a Cult in the first place, and not a Masonry with an extra wincon. I actually don't think Greedling should have won either given that he didn't kill his quarry. But the Cult just made it harder for the Town to trust each other, I'm really not sure why it was in the game.

@Grammaton Apologies for the investigation D1. I was scum reading you, and I knew I'd be dead soon, so I wanted to use it on a player that was in the high posters, and you were my best bet for scum in that group. I know it probably made the game frustrating though, hence the apology. Was rooting for your team with Blue in our host pm lol.

@Flowa I have no idea what you were doing Day 1. I don't blame you for the omega kill on me, as you couldn't really anticipate that, but I was ultimately vindicated in my position to not answer the question, and @Ultra was saying exactly what I was saying around it too. The thing with hints is that if someone doesn't catch on, it causes confusion, even if it's only slight like having the wrong town character.

Also, absorbing Ekko was nonsensical IMO. I had been saying repeatedly that he was Scum, that he was Hostile, and when I was saying it you insisted he was fine and just a helpful Indie. After I flipped though, you would have known my reads were at least genuine, and you could have either absorbed my role maybe, or refilled your lie detect, or amped your protections to cover an Omega. Instead you just gained a hostile wincon which you lost once you got culted. In the flavour, Ekko's character distributed fake stones, and his miracles were shams, so any revives you could have gained would likely have been shams too. It's why I was asking you to be careful before using the stone - Ariess explicitly said the stone Ekko and I formed was the first real one.


As for Town, I think after the first cycle the players ultimately responsible for leading then we're not really even fully read up on the thread, it was a bit of a nightmare. I don't really regret blocking Soul D1, given it was a rushed decision made urgently, but objectively it was probably the worst play I made in my short time.

Thanks for the game again @Ariess - in both of yours I've played I've been killed Day 1, though in the first I came back like thrice lol. Cursed, I tell you.
i basically was a vanilla townie for 3 cycles straight lol.


The End and the Beginning
There was no scam involved. The Cornello role was essentially a Zombie Cultist. I could use and amp abilities of dead players and use them as my pawns. I couldn't get your role because omegas are absolute and I see nothing wrong in absorbing an Indie role as Town to get more power for Town. Fact is, that role was also broken since it could have helped find Homunculi easily. I was gonna find Pride which I did with Fuji afterwards. He would have killed him and we would have had infinite lynch redirects and a lot of power. And quite frankly, we should have won by N1 since our plan wasn't even that broken. We would have changed our goal to killing Pride and not Father and would have succeeded. But alas, I'm never allowed to have my way ever, somehow, despite it not even breaking the balance of the game.
You said you were about to win Day 1 - how is that not breaking the game balance? Infinite lynch redirects? Come on. That being blocked was obviously for the best. My holistic point was I felt you spent Day 1 too focused around your own role which made it *impossible* to work with you in any way, even after the lie detect. I said to Blue afterwards, I'm probably never going to answer that question again lol. I feel like if you thought about my perspective as possible town for a moment, you'd have been able to see my point of view better, and you wouldn't have had to lie detect anyway.

To be clear though, you know my "I've seen the truth" hint? It was actually unitentional the first time, I was just pretending to have extra information. Later on it clicked for me that not only was it an actual thing in the series, my character was one of the few who had seen the truth too. @Fujishiro you'll probably get a kick out of that too xD
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