artist: Chancil from twitter

Luffy you lucky bastard
is the average asian artist so starved of normally proportioned breasts that he must churn out these atrocities?
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have you masturbated to cartoon women so much that the idea of being attracted to a woman of blood, flesh and bones appalls you? unsurprising. seek help
Great list.

I think Xebec is stronger than Primebeard
Xebec and Dragon are the biggest mysteries regrading their power lvl. I can’t rank them. Dragon has the potential to be the strongest after Kaido's death/defeat.
Xebec was probably the strongest legend. If you’re the captain of so many legends then you need to be the King of Legends


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
Xebec and Dragon are the biggest mysteries regrading their power lvl. I can’t rank them. Dragon has the potential to be the strongest after Kaido's death/defeat.
Xebec was probably the strongest legend. If you’re the captain of so many legends then you need to be the King of Legends
I've always rated Dragon to be onpar with Sakazuki personally.

Seems like Xebec was so strong he needed two peak too tiers (Garp and Roger) to beat him. Imo he's onpar with Imu and EOS Teach above top tiers
what argument even is there for whitebeard > roger? terminally ill roger fought primebeard to a draw. terminally ill whitebeard got half his face melted by kekazuki
They’re pretty much equal. The best example is Akainu vs Kuzan. They fought for 10 days and Akainu won barely. I think Whitebeard vs Roger would be the same. Whitebeard is the strongest man and Roger the PK. You don’t need to be the strongest, if you want the PK title. You should be one of the strongest but not necessarily THE strongest.
That’s just my opinion though and I could be wrong
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I've always rated Dragon to be onpar with Sakazuki personally.

Seems like Xebec was so strong he needed two peak too tiers (Garp and Roger) to beat him. Imo he's onpar with Imu and EOS Teach above top tiers
Yeah that’s also a possibility. Dragon = Akainu and Shanks = Mihawk could be a thing.
He went there to save his son knowing full well it he would meet his end as result that is not something coward would do facing the entire navy.
He knew he was dying so he though he would do 1 good thing before dying by saving Ace.
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don't hate me, hate Oda for having WB be afraid of both Marines and Kaido in Wano :kayneshrug: