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Certified Memelord
This is the post from you I was talking about asking you to elaborate on this. You said you already talked about them which I don't remember.
which ones in particular, your post doesnt give me the vibe that u r interested in any. just asking for sake of asking

You say I play the same way and flipped scum then that would mean that you shouldn't even say scum meta since I also play that way as town. To answer your question most of my posts here I feel like I can do as both alignments and I'd say the only difference so far that makes me town here is that I get annoyed when players say I am on my scum meta in my town games and I have already showed my annoyance here.

Next time I roll scum I guess I'll show annoyance when someone say I'm on my scum meta since now players can use this post as a reference what I would do as town and what I don't do.
the annoyance makes no sense. do you agree my accusations were fair based on ur posts at the time? u tend to pop up, throw shade, then leave as scum. u might not have thrown too much shade this game yet, but the pattern of popping up, discussing a scummy post, then leaving is still there.

if u r masking ur alignment in ur activity levels its gna be hard to keep reading u every time, and u will end up soaking town actions for no reason. the frustration was also unwarranted because there was not only any vote on you, but none else other than me brought up ur name as possible scum. it seems to me that the word "scum meta" tilted u more than the mini case that i presented about the actions u do in ur "scum meta" of popping up, shading, leaving, repeat gameplay. ~♡
which ones in particular, your post doesnt give me the vibe that u r interested in any. just asking for sake of asking

the annoyance makes no sense. do you agree my accusations were fair based on ur posts at the time? u tend to pop up, throw shade, then leave as scum. u might not have thrown too much shade this game yet, but the pattern of popping up, discussing a scummy post, then leaving is still there.

if u r masking ur alignment in ur activity levels its gna be hard to keep reading u every time, and u will end up soaking town actions for no reason. the frustration was also unwarranted because there was not only any vote on you, but none else other than me brought up ur name as possible scum. it seems to me that the word "scum meta" tilted u more than the mini case that i presented about the actions u do in ur "scum meta" of popping up, shading, leaving, repeat gameplay. ~♡
I swear to god dude having debates with posts from the 19th century when the day is almost over.


Certified Memelord
Gotta catch up but from what I remember:
Pero was the one who wanted to end day early, right? That didn't leave good impression. Can't tell I found anything interesting about Worst.
1. who was leading at the time pero wanted to end day early
2. would a scum say that stuff? ~♡


This voting has become a mess and the mafs are usually the ones that profit from such chaos.
The outcome of this will make me have to rethink my suspect list, depending on what happens now...


Certified Memelord
im confused how these r the wagons that we ended up with for the day. most of these r players i thought r town from early on

i'll make my voice more heard next day. apologies for inactivity ~♡
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