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I'm wondering if I should claim on an ability I used that could clear up stuff on what happened at night and it might lead to an info on scum and it's not an invest ability I used.


Certified Memelord
okay i read at night

gj on zolo yeet

i think his team gave in. id say they tried to push pero/rott but ultimately failed so either moved away or bussed zolo

or are just inactives so didnt impact wagons

off the zolo voters, meeyori voted / scum read him early so she looks good, tho this is a multiball, but doesnt change the fact that shes likely not alligned with zolo

fuji is a given

rej/mango i read as town

bonni also had an early scum read of zolo, so im gna take him/her in a good light in regards to that lynch

so aside from gambit or other names that i'll mention in a seperate post. these 2 seemed to stand out in regards to the lynch

nana - weird vote change to zolo, could have realized counter wagon failed so just bussed

and worst of all

joygirl - she is tmi'ing hard that there is a multiball + asking players why they voted zolo when he was scummy af is weird. looks like she might be red faction and thought zolo is town. i do not think her posts were genuine there. she was just trying to look better if zolo flipped town and make other players look worst



Three failed kills? Wow, what the hell was going on at this night?

Sure, Rottkins´ death is bad but it is helpful in a way that we can say for sure now that what happened at the last lynch wasn´t about saving Rottkins. As there are two mafias there was still the possibility that Rottkins was part of the other mafia (DEM) and her colleagues were trying to save him, either knowing or not knowing that Zolo is part of the other maf (which seems to be the villains from the date a bullet movie). At least we can rule this possibility out now, which makes the majority of the Zolo voters look fine to me now, especially Fuji who was motivating us to make this move.

And by the way, just to clarify that: No, I wasn´t the person who shot Rottkins and I didn´t send one of the other killshots either!
Ekko is scummy and here is the problem I had with him. I noticed he has 8 town reads, I asked him to elaborate on them, he responded back saying he already talked about them but when I searched up the names he put as town most of the players he did not talk about and I was only able to find one player he mentioned earlier and he basically lied to me.

His reads list was concerning to me because he had multiple town reads while I only had one player I was leaning town on. Felt like to me Ekko was fabricating reads and Ekko pointing a post of mine being scummy and there was nothing scummy about my post which looked like he is looking for a reason to find a post that is scummy when it is not.


Certified Memelord
the ones who were defending zolo should explain it now
technically ones who were defending zolo after votes locked are most likely not his alies. they r either enemy faction or town

Fuji - 1 (Ekko)
Rottkins - 2 (Joygirl, Pero)
Rej - 1 (Rottkins)
Pero - 3 (Charlie, T-Pein, RippedCal)
Charlie - 2 (Kagura, Worst)
RippedCal - 1 (Gambit)
T-Pein - 1 (Juliet)
Zolo - 6 (Fuji, Meeyori, Pot, Rej, Mango, Lord Melkor)

> i think tpein needs to explain his pero vote now. he never discussed zolo either.
> joy needs to explain the tmi in regards to zolo

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