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Ekko » Rej - Fuji - Gambit - Fuji
Rej » Ekko - Kagura - T-Pein - Fuji - Pero - RippedCal - Fuji - Rottkins - T-pein - Rottkins
T-Pein » Fuji - Gambit - Rottkins - Ekko
Fuji » Charlie - Rej - Rottkins
Lord Melkor » Ekko
Worst » Fuji > Charlie
Mango » Ekko - Pero - Rottkins
RippedCal » Gambit - Null- Rej - Gambit
Rottkins » Rej
Nana » Pero
Kagura » Charlie
Pero » Charlie - Rottkins
Joygirl » Charlie - Rottkins
Gambit> Cal
Charlie> Pero
Pot> Charlie - Pero - Rottkins
Juliet> T-pein
Rottkins - 6 (Rej,T-pein,Mango, Pot, Pero, Joygirl)
Charlie - 2 (Kagura, Worst)
Pero - 2 (Charlie, Nana)
Ekko - 2 (Lord Melkor, Fuji)
Fuji- 1 (Ekko)
Rej - 1 (Rottkins)
Gambit - 1 (RippedCal)
Cal- 1 (Gambit)

This was the VC when I initiated the CFD on Zolo.

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
Right now @Fujishiro is a town core for me right now

@Meeyori @Rej @Lord Melkor @MangoSenpai voted for Zolo as well so I will town lean them right now. Maybe they're indies/mafia 2 but I think it could be left for now.

Rej vouched for @Peroroncino so I will Unvote him (@Blue @Ratchet) I think I will town lean him as well cause of the recent WU and will not vote for him without hard evidence/reasoning going forward. This goes for @Charlie as well.

@Ekkologix is fine for me right now, I actually would like to hear the theories on @Gambit @Joygirl (Why the vote on Gambit + what was JoyGirl's TMI on Zolo).

With that, I'm wary about Gambit, JoyGirl, and @Juliet cause vibes.

@T-Pein™ was vouched for but the bit of weirdness with the Pero vote should mean he gets an eye kept on him.

@RippedCal pushed against the Zolo vote but through Fuji's explanation and my personal experience The Ripped One usually buddies with Zolo anyway so it makes sense in this regard. He can be null right now.

As for me, I've been a bit too trigger-happy with my votes, but that stops now since I quit drinking Miller Beer.

I have no strong feelings about the other players, but I hope some of the inactives pipe up a bit more today. Especially @Arondight

Right now @Fujishiro is a town core for me right now

@Meeyori @Rej @Lord Melkor @MangoSenpai voted for Zolo as well so I will town lean them right now. Maybe they're indies/mafia 2 but I think it could be left for now.

Rej vouched for @Peroroncino so I will Unvote him (@Blue @Ratchet) I think I will town lean him as well cause of the recent WU and will not vote for him without hard evidence/reasoning going forward. This goes for @Charlie as well.

@Ekkologix is fine for me right now, I actually would like to hear the theories on @Gambit @Joygirl (Why the vote on Gambit + what was JoyGirl's TMI on Zolo).

With that, I'm wary about Gambit, JoyGirl, and @Juliet cause vibes.

@T-Pein™ was vouched for but the bit of weirdness with the Pero vote should mean he gets an eye kept on him.

@RippedCal pushed against the Zolo vote but through Fuji's explanation and my personal experience The Ripped One usually buddies with Zolo anyway so it makes sense in this regard. He can be null right now.

I have no strong feelings about the other players, but I hope some of the inactives pipe up a bit more today. Especially @Arondight

Who vouched for Pein?

Also @T-Pein™ @RippedCal Its obvious Pero isnt the way to go now so who would you vote today?

As for me, I've been a bit too trigger-happy with my votes, but that stops now since I quit drinking Miller Beer.
Lmao were you actually drinking that last day?

Who would you vote for today Pot?

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
Who vouched for Pein?

Also @T-Pein™ @RippedCal Its obvious Pero isnt the way to go now so who would you vote today?

Lmao were you actually drinking that last day?

Who would you vote for today Pot?
Yes, I was drinking Miller Beer to the point where it was making me look guilty. But now that I'm done drinking it I should be viewed a bit more favorably.

I kinda skimmed the last couple pages so I thought I saw someone vouching for @T-Pein™
If anyone actually vouches for him let me know because he might need it based on what I'm about to say next.

I'm thinking of maybe voting for T-Pein today since he's still on about the CFD last day phase. Imo you literally have no reason to try to go for the Zoro lynch despite all the votes on Rottkins if you were mafia. It would be better to just let someone that's not on your team die with no issues. At worst maybe you're an indie but I doubt it.

Other than that I'm thinking one from the group from @Joygirl @Gambit and @Juliet but that's if @Ekkologix brings forward a good theory on why we should go for them.
Yes, I was drinking Miller Beer to the point where it was making me look guilty. But now that I'm done drinking it I should be viewed a bit more favorably.
This is cracking me up XD.

Other than that I'm thinking one from the group from @Joygirl @Gambit and @Juliet but that's if @Ekkologix brings forward a good theory on why we should go for them.
Juliet hinted at having something of use this phase, Joygirl seems to be related to Pero whom I town read now and well Gambit has just been there mostly lol so I have no read on him.

As for T-pein well no one vouched for him that I recall, I recall Rej saying he rbed him but Ekko told him that superkills bypass roleblocks so the only failed kill he could maybe be is the red mafia one. But then again I fail to see why Pein would fight off the Rottkins lynch when the dude flipped town. It doesnt add up.

Whats your case on Pein?

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
This is cracking me up XD.

Juliet hinted at having something of use this phase, Joygirl seems to be related to Pero whom I town read now and well Gambit has just been there mostly lol so I have no read on him.

As for T-pein well no one vouched for him that I recall, I recall Rej saying he rbed him but Ekko told him that superkills bypass roleblocks so the only failed kill he could maybe be is the red mafia one. But then again I fail to see why Pein would fight off the Rottkins lynch when the dude flipped town. It doesnt add up.

Whats your case on Pein?
His actions around the EoD voting and how he tried to push against you being town despite it making no sense.
Also looking back at his earlier posts he pretty much only talks about who we are going to lynch but not really elaborating.
It's just a weird vibe from him right now.
His actions around the EoD voting and how he tried to push against you being town despite it making no sense.
Also looking back at his earlier posts he pretty much only talks about who we are going to lynch but not really elaborating.
It's just a weird vibe from him right now.
Meh at this point Id rather check other people but Ill read your case on him, what do you think of YTW.

Pein always uses the ''who are we going to lynch'' shtick so its not really AI btw.
What I mean is that it would not make sense for you to be mafia and make a huge deal of the EoD vote when the Rottkins vote would've been great for scum.
Dw I got it ^^
@Fujishiro where i am rn
day 1 + what i read so far from day 2
i'll be active today, lets get it
scum yeet day 2 as well :bury

rej - town clown
fuji - seem to want to claim but retracted it. productive play so far. potential powerwolf but puts himself in danger with multiball
pero - good faith for early activity drive. no evil agenda. hinted town role but game has fake claims
mango - constructive in thread, not chaotic, town indicative
worst - hinting the mc??
ripped one - mason/cupid? hes totally not picking up on pero being town claim tho lol. unless he ignores it
bonni - early susceptor of zolo / likely town unless multiball shenanigens. is this reborn? busing zolo possible?
melkor - low poster but seem to be picking up and seriously playing / not fluffing

iffy but townish
charles - doesnt seem to self destruct / give in like his scum games. apparently claimed already for some reason?? game has fake claims that appears in WU so NAI
kagura - decent questions overall but lack of original thoughts
nana - hard to judge with multiball. just there really. cant detect much agenda for now
juliet - frustration seems exaggerated and towny. will ruin her future games if she flips scum
meeyori - newbie card. no reason to town read strongly, but the early scum read of zolo is good.
pot - is posting about players but not really engaging with them. just doing bare minimum to survive. hinting miller?
rott - sensing different early game entrance from his last scum games. could be improving to self control. posts fell off hard end of day tho.

joygirl - uhh seems to have tmi that this is a multiball? posts feel slimy. might be opposing faction to zolo. do like her comment on kurumi stuff not happening b4 lynch as that might help with PoE.
abyss - practically no posts
aron - practically no posts
mitch - practically no posts outside of fluff

scum side of null
yo tan - just there really. stating the obvious
gambino - joking too much, but not solving with it unlike rej. scum clown
uwu - fluff lord. no reason to town read
tpein - blatant sheeping, no reason to town read
cooler - lol

Rott is dead btw lmfao.

rott - sensing different early game entrance from his last scum games. could be improving to self control. posts fell off hard end of day tho.
okay i read at night

gj on zolo yeet

i think his team gave in. id say they tried to push pero/rott but ultimately failed so either moved away or bussed zolo

or are just inactives so didnt impact wagons

off the zolo voters, meeyori voted / scum read him early so she looks good, tho this is a multiball, but doesnt change the fact that shes likely not alligned with zolo

fuji is a given

rej/mango i read as town

bonni also had an early scum read of zolo, so im gna take him/her in a good light in regards to that lynch

so aside from gambit or other names that i'll mention in a seperate post. these 2 seemed to stand out in regards to the lynch

nana - weird vote change to zolo, could have realized counter wagon failed so just bussed

and worst of all

joygirl - she is tmi'ing hard that there is a multiball + asking players why they voted zolo when he was scummy af is weird. looks like she might be red faction and thought zolo is town. i do not think her posts were genuine there. she was just trying to look better if zolo flipped town and make other players look worst

i didn't vote zolo idk where u getting this from?
Let's back off Joygirl for a bit
Ekko is scummy and here is the problem I had with him. I noticed he has 8 town reads, I asked him to elaborate on them, he responded back saying he already talked about them but when I searched up the names he put as town most of the players he did not talk about and I was only able to find one player he mentioned earlier and he basically lied to me.

His reads list was concerning to me because he had multiple town reads while I only had one player I was leaning town on. Felt like to me Ekko was fabricating reads and Ekko pointing a post of mine being scummy and there was nothing scummy about my post which looked like he is looking for a reason to find a post that is scummy when it is not.
yes actually he looks bad this game
okay i dont think pero is the lynch guys, unless you have something really incriminating on him, which u dont ~♡

i think even voting him at this point is silly ~♡
Why is Pero town in your opinion?
So was there any reason that you started the wagon on Zolo or was it just a feeling/shot in the dark @Fujishiro

You guys seem to be fine with pero, and Charles claimed so that leaves the two I felt mostly off about in the clear for now. I notice mango is not doing one of his roleplays, he's done it in every game I've been in with him, could be that he is lying low because of the importance of his role.
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