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Certified Memelord
First of all I hate it when people call me by my name followed by some kind of explanation. You should let go off that habbit, its very bad.

Secondly I said there are reasons, not that it people should be paranoid. It is based on the fact that its a 26 player multiball.
Some people can carry games with a healthy amount of paranoia on their own. Ofc paranoia all in all is bad, but it is what it is.

So please don't misplace my name when trying to explain stuff to me because I personally get offended by it.

Thanks for understanding bro.




This forum is retarded.
Who are u susing rn?

Who are u susing rn?
Not a fan of Ekko tbh.
And Pein still stays.

I also find Drago a bit underwhelming. I am sorry but overall I lost a bit concentration towards the game and the reasons are real life issues. :/ :sweat:
- whats this supposed to mean? its zolo so u just let him go? do u not care about town's wellbeing?
- in fact mafia would love to leave town zolo alive for longer so they can use him as free mislynch later. fuji lynching zolo day 1 is town indicative as mafia would love zolo alive. another lack of analysis on ur part.
- there isnt much to read. he was scummy plain and simple. he is not helping town whatsoever. why r u gna ask fuji and resist the lynch of a non helpful player? who would u have lynched that EoD 1? this is pretty hypocritical from u who was inactive at the time to try and make the players look bad now when u didnt help with anything

its not about reading u right or wrong, atleast i am making an attemt to interact with u and get ur alignment. u dont just magically read people correctly. thats never how town works. if u r town i will sooner or later find out. why r u being so dismissive already? its not like i tunnel locked u as scum yet. you really are tempting me to. your lack of solving on the players that u scum read is also pretty disturbing

coincidental angleshooting. i just off work at the time. it was 5ish pm. surely this isnt actually part of your case. i was at 0 risk of being lynched. lets not pretend otherwise now. there is also my unlynchable claim that has been bothering u for awhile. yeah no matter how u spin it u wont go anywhere with that angleshot.

im not twisting anything, just giving u hard facts. u still fail to tell me exactly how a townie plays there.

zolo was very scummy after i caught up with the thread during the night phase. before that i had hi as null. the meat of his scummy posts came after page 33. i made it very clear my read on zolo at the time is up to page 33. another lack of analysis/comprehension on ur part to try and spin ur narrative. it wont work yo tan.

nope had no major scum reads. i only read up to page 33. gambit was probably my strongest lean scum and even that wasnt too strong. anyyway whats ur point here exactly? i should always have a scum read that i want others to lynch day 1? where is ur scum read that u pursued others to lynch day 1? how hypocrite can u get rn? the points u r trying to use to justify ur scum read of me makes no sense

not much at all. hence why i gave up, apologized for my inactivity, and promised to read during the night. see a townie like me isnt worried too much about looking too townie like u r worried. i was busy so i am not going to worry too much about impacting lynch day 1. rl happens. i made my apology and promised to be more active day 2 which i am rn. i read the full day 1 during the night and gave my thoughts and i agree on the zolo wagon now. it was good. i just obviously couldnt see how good it was day 1 cuz i only read up to page 33. i still fail to see where r u trying to go with this?

your reasoning for scum reading me is all angleshooting from what i see. u scum read me because i came to the thread by EoD after work and was unable to impact the lynch in time, but fail to tell me what exactly a townie should do there. do i need to say more? u really failed miserably to hold this case against me.

i really dont see u solving any of ur scum reads. in fact thats why they r still scum reads for u. u are not questioning them. u r not extracting their alignment from them. they r still null for u. u made no progress whatsover because u do not care about their alignment. u r scum simple as that yo tan.

there is probably only exactly 1 scum in zolo's wagon. no more. it was hard town driven. i would be surprised if there were more than 1 in it. the whole zolo wagon came from cfd and ur analysis to it was really really poor. try again.

u stated the obvious regarding the names of the 6 players that u chose. u cleared them based on obvious facts in the thread to fake ur contribution and think that we will buy it. matter of fact id go ahead and say 5/6 of those r probably just town so ur shade is going on deaf ears. why dont u interact with them and tell me what u find? i am very interested.

and so am i. i am busy too. but im a busy townie, u r a busy scum. we r not the same. i will expose u here.

i didnt use ur inactivity to sus u. u tried using mine to sus me. i am using ur lack of meaningful contribution. u can be inactive and still contribute something thoughtful that progresses the game forward. all ur posts literally do not do that. tell me one thing that u did that helped move the game in any direction, or is attempting to.
- arcane game doesnt matter here. u were indie there so u were uninformed. i think u r mafia here.

no i dont. i dont get why anyone would worry so much about voting for a lynch if they r busy? why r u trying to look so towny? i wont vote just for the sake of voting. i refuse to just vote randomly if thats what u ask me to do. i will take my time and vote who i think is right. i had no time to read but i atleast made the rational thought to vote the person who i null read over the one i town read.

ur points are empty yo tan. start by answering my questions above. break down those 6 players for me in an indept iso/play by play anslysis and tell me why u think there is more than 1 scum in them, and tell me who is it. question them all and tell me what u get from it.
aside from that if ur gna base off ur entire case on me on an angleshot/my inactivity then trust me it wont go anywhere.

townies show concern about the lynch differently. voting meaninglessly/blind is not showing concern for the lynch. its the opposite. i had to read to get as much info as i can before i vote. i knew in my mind pero/charles/rott were town reads of mine, but i see multiple people saying they slipped and whatnot so i had to read that. at the end of it all i was still not convinced so i did not vote for any of them.

NOT voting a townie still counts as being concerned about the lynch. i did not want to make the wrong vote so i abstained until i made my mind. i had rott/pero/charles as townish so i tried to read and see if i can pick up anything scummy as i read, but it obviously didnt go anywhere, so i went the lazy route and just voted the null player over the town player and it paid off. there is nothing u can do to spin that as non towny gameplay yo tan. we can sit here and disucss this all day and u will not convince me otherwise. ~♡
  • First i dont got time like you. You say are busy but engage in wallies and is top poster. I am not able to do this, especially not on pointless repeative points that is you denying the obvious things.
  • I don't need to convince you your last day phase play wasn't townie, my vote is on to you for that and it is obvious to everyone who read last day phase. I'm not making up this shit this is there for everyone to read.
  • I also won't play as per your likings or wishing, I'd have tried to check those 4 afterwards if time permittted me, but certainly won't now on being asked like this.
  • I didn't focused on Zolo not this game not any other, you saying 1000 words on that won't change anything it is what it is.
  • I already pointed out my points on T Pein you quote that and in next post ask why again. I' don't got patience for such discussions bruh
Bruh you rolled scum in the WOW game iirc. You were of the blue dragon faction. Your point is invalid again.
Not true,
I subbed into a mafia role that had exposed themselves on a discord chat to a member of town.
I didn't get to play because they killed the slot I was subbing into...

dont claim flavor those can easily be faked.
u already claimed what i wanted to hear. now just confirm with the hosts if it bypasses roleblocks or not ~♡

im willing to let u stay, but u gotta convince the rest. i think yo tan shud be the way here ~♡
I passively cannot die/get hit with effects and I protect someone of my choosing via activation.

How come that change of thoughts? I could still be a SK who just plays perfectly townish. Or no?
If I had a kill I would kill you because you play like scum.

"Looks to degen for me" - rolls animegirls on a waifubot and pays money for it
I dont pay.
thats you.


This forum is retarded.
Not true,
I subbed into a mafia role that had exposed themselves on a discord chat to a member of town.
I didn't get to play because they killed the slot I was subbing into...

I passively cannot die/get hit with effects and I protect someone of my choosing via activation.

If I had a kill I would kill you because you play like scum.

I dont pay.
thats you.
You paid for it. Get over it. If you want me to unvote you, then you should start to be less biased and more truthful. You paid for degenerate content and that's what makes the earlier useage of the word hypocritical in my eyes.



I actually have something to share bc i am not sure if i might survive or something and it will put me in hot water but let's goo :catsure:

"X kill nana"
"X we should invest or rb mango he seems sus might be third"
"redirect doesn't matter who its used on, how about juliet to cal?"


"We also czn use mitch’s vote even though he didnt vote? If so also move that to pero"
I was framed!:crazwhat:
Yo, I'm reading darling. I'm sorry for baby tantrum last cycle. Pero hasn't been CCd so I guess he's fine. Unless that character dies and he tries to go with "oh, by best girl I meant someone else" or something. Then lynch his butt.

I've seen bunch of notifications. I'll answer when I get to them.


Always :yearight:

There's a looot of names going around right now like T-Pein also cant be looked over, I've found him weird since last day phase. I found Joygirl guilty last night. I didn't want to claim yet as an invest on D2 especially in multiball game but my read was right and some protection would be great
Vote lynch Bonnibel

Faking an investigation on me is reason enough to get rid of her.
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