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Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
aight in case i die. idk how much time i have left. quick legacy

- i have not done a single action this game yet. my role need me to pay attention and i didnt day 1
- mango town. he can say why. not fully clearing, but its something
- fuji good, tpein good, pero good, charles good, nana good, worst maybe good too
- thinking rej good, joy good, bonni good and maybe kagura/cal/drago good

- uhh uwu probabaly bad, gambit probabaly bad, 50/50 on melkor, leaning goodish, meeyori another 50/50

- nullish on arondeigh, mitch, and madeinabyss. no reason to town read rly.

who else?


Certified Memelord
tbf rej can be red maf too so there is that ~♡
hes not really fully good

since yo flipped town i have bad feeling about the people fighting earlier now namely kagura/joy/bonni. its possible one of them is bad ~♡
aight in case i die. idk how much time i have left. quick legacy

- i have not done a single action this game yet. my role need me to pay attention and i didnt day 1
- mango town. he can say why. not fully clearing, but its something
- fuji good, tpein good, pero good, charles good, nana good, worst maybe good too
- thinking rej good, joy good, bonni good and maybe kagura/cal/drago good

- uhh uwu probabaly bad, gambit probabaly bad, 50/50 on melkor, leaning goodish, meeyori another 50/50

- nullish on arondeigh, mitch, and madeinabyss. no reason to town read rly.

who else?
Too many goods, but thank you for your service.


Certified Memelord
eitherway hes obviously anti town rn

he said he town read me toward the mid of the day but is killing me now so keklord open scumming hard. yeet him into the sun ~♡
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