I didn't say it's easy. It is very hard. One has to work on themselves a lot.
Long term therapy doesn't guarantee any results.
You can work on something for a long time but when you do it the wrong way you won't yield any results.
Being open about it and having support means absolutely nothing.
It doesn't work for everyone.
So you're telling me it doesn't work for everyone
so a lot of people out there having suicidal ideation are doomed to a life full of shit and death
you don't think they should be able to joke about their human condition? they can't laugh at their misery?
they are obligated to take it completely seriously to the grave, even though it makes them feel horrible every day?
I also really hate the way you said that about treatment, because you are basically calling people that have been fighting and treating it for years as either weak because they couldn't do what was hard or dumb for doing it wrong for so long