When i had the chance to visit africa for a project a few years ago, I absolutely fell in love with the wildlife. I adore the people who make it their livelihood to protect the animals from getting hunted down.
You know some of these "poachers" are just locals who hunt for their own food, you know!?
You know some of these "poachers" are just locals who hunt for their own food, you know!?
Oh yeah i am well aware of that, i meant the more illegal stuff. Like rhino horns that are shipped to asean countries because some people really believe in all sorts of benefits to the body, which were never even proven to work.

Some sell it for profit or glory the list goes on. That's why i was mentioning the corruption beforehand, if the governments shared all the profits they make from the minerals they sell to the whole world, with their people, instead of taking it all into their own pockets there wouldn't be a necessity for a black market and illegal trades. Atleast that would give people less reason to go out and hunt for economical reasons. yes i understand that people also hunt for survival. A funny world we live in. Yeah this goes way beyond one piece talk so i stop here.
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@Echizen_Jo_Ndule worst nightmare. It will be even worse for him if Jesus burgress or other beat katakuri instead shyrui because he will literally deny reality. And most people accept shyrui is 2nd strongest Blackbeard pirate mate

Of course I have predicted Blackbeard pirates coming to whole cake island for red poneglyph before

My opinion is blackbeard pirates are meant to be strongest pirate crew ever surpass rock xebec.

Powercreep will make Blackbeard pirates and admirals and even vice admiral look great than yonko pirates.

Kaido and big mom fans will regret for jumping kaido and big mom hype train :gokulaugh:

In shouen rule, always last bet your villain to be last place to be defeated , not first place.
There’s no specific number. You can interpret it in many ways. You see the new moon and you know that the new month of Ramadan started but it doesn’t say that you should fast during the whole month. Fast as you like
I don’t want to turn this thread into a religious discussion and I don’t want to discuss about it in general. I told you our standpoint and that’s it. I respect your fasting and wish you a blessed month
It's a whole month not a specific number of days. The Ayats are pretty clear, there's no needed interpretation there.

Anyway, blessed Ramadan to you too eventhough you're not fasting it. :kayneshrug: