Luffy vs Kaido is probably the 3rd worst fight after Nami's and the SN Captain's.
Both Luffy and Kaido ruin the fight in different ways. Kaido's saving grace is that his attacks arent "gag fuelled"....(then again Drunken stance exists). But anyways he seemed mostly cool at the very least. However his uncreative and boring moveset, combined with the boring CQC that he brings. Like it aint it.
Then we have Luffy that completely shits and ruins the fight in every aspect. Luffy was carrying the CQC of the fight before. But not anymore, now he ruins it. And G5 looks stupid, ridculous and weak as shit. This punch shit will probably miss, but anyways who cares. Like his only decent attack takes so much time to Power up.
Either way this fight is so bad. Its been broken up, changed about and slowed down way too much. Its been giving the same bullshit boring cliffhangers. Itd honestly be the worst if Midd and Law vs Meme didnt exist.