You are
Miku Izayoi
"You kept our promise. If it's you, there's no problem." - Miku Izayoi
Passive - Diva] - The first action targetting you will fail per cycle, except kills.
Active- Rondo] - Restrains the listeners with sound waves. Force to player to use the previous action submitted in the previous cycle. If it was a x-shot, force them to target the same player.
Active - March] - By performing a rhapsody, Miku gives a morale boost to her target, making them do things that would otherwise be impossible. Her target's next action will go through immunities. Day action [2-shot]
Active - Solo] -Brainwashes the listeners. The brainwashed people retain their perception about other entities, but nevertheless prioritize Miku's desire and well-being above all else. Miku can command Spirits to do her biding. Control a player for one cycle and make them submit an action from their role. If you target either Yoshino, Kotori or the Yamai Sisters, you'll receive an additional one-shot of this ability [1-shot]
Active- Archangel Gabriel] - Miku's AA-ranked Angel takes the form of an organ that controls sound. Its abilities can be utilized via the organ, which is controlled with a keyboard, or through her own voice. By selecting three players, you'll make a compound ability directed at the target who was going to receive the strongest original ability of those three [1-shot]
[Active- Fantasia] - A collection of Gabriel's songs sung all at once while infused with all of Miku's remaining Reiryoku. The song combines the healing effect of Requiem with the strength bolstering effect of March.The player targeted by this action will get their next ability amped. Day action [1-shot]
[Idol] - Miku has an incredible voice and is a singing superstar, plus she's very warmful and flirty to the ones she cares about. Every 5 posts, she must use "Darling" in one of her posts.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town