
Capitalism ruins everything, Peter Jackson was able to adapt the lotr into its own working fantasy on the big screen, yet he completely butchered the hobbit because "muh trilogy" :gonope:
Smaug is great though, the idea to make him into a wyvern and his movement with his skinny claws and wing has a sinister charm to it
Law , Sabo , Yamato and roof piece exist because of greed.
yeah fox news pretty much does this every election cycle
Fox News is pro-Republicans,CNN is pro-Democrats,but both obey to the american establishment. Its not random that Fox News altough is Republican,often backstabbed Trump or,for example,wasnt an exception back in March 2020 when there was time for all the media to pump the corona like the worst thing ever. Then,maybe during the Summer they started to be different from CNN in their coverage of corona,but during the Spring,when the establishment ordered that corona must have been potrayed like the worst virus ever,because they had to justify lockdowns,they obeyed immediately! And CNN,on the other hand,as soon as Biden started as president,removed their "corona death toll" they had big on the screen when Trump was in power. So altough the media have different audiences,all the mainstream media obey to the establishment. By the way i think Twitter will be better with Musk. Am i wrong? Only time will tell! We'll see!
If Elon Musk finds a candidate that is his ally and would be good for him to have that person on power, you think Elon Musk can't use twitter as a tool to manipulate the people? just like Facebook did?
You realize you can make this argument with every single piece of media in the U.S right?

from newspaper to social media, each one has their biases and political leanings.
okay, so your logic is that because it has been bad for 20 years, it should continue to stay bad, in fact someone taking action to do that is a good thing somehow?

No, I am telling you the threat of Elon manipulating the media to get someone elected is empty because we live in a society where each media platform has their own political leanings.
People forget how hype witch king in two movies.

Then third movie, witch king got worse jack treatment .

First his dragon got killed quickly.. Then got beaten by woman and hobbit.

He should face powerful people. But that is movie portrayed he is.