Powers & Abilities Kaido statement about haki


Cope Doctor
Kidd not having aCoC and not showing any CoC outside anime makes no sense... and law not having it too... Since both of those character are way stronger than zoro who has aCoC and aCoA... in Kaidos words zoro should be supperior but he is not.... what am I not understanding here? is oda retckoning ? since DF like enels in hes own words would make namy unbeatable exept by luffy for obvious reasons... also DFs like magma and light clearly beats all haki
Kidd not having aCoC and not showing any CoC outside anime makes no sense... and law not having it too... Since both of those character are way stronger than zoro who has aCoC and aCoA... in Kaidos words zoro should be supperior but he is not.... what am I not understanding here? is oda retckoning ? since DF like enels in hes own words would make namy unbeatable exept by luffy for obvious reasons... also DFs like magma and light clearly beats all haki
Means you were wrong about kidd and law being stronger than zoro ... as usual lol!

Law one shots Zoro with room : GG!
Kidds removes Zoro's swords : GG!

Reality : never happened against people with strong haki.

Conclusion : Law and Kidd pushed away or "defeated" an adv.cocless Big Mom! That proves just one thing : They would have been defeated if the latter used her adv.CoC.

If awakening or anything else was the biggest power, then Shanks/Mihawk/Garp/Roger/Rayleigh have no place among legends. But ironically all of them are powerful because of their strong haki.
Kaido is simply wrong. Power comes in many forms. The example of Roger may only show that Haki has the highest ceiling of any type of power in One Piece. But for example, the Flying Six had Haki and lost to Franky/Robin.


👑𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷👑
This may be a matter of the user too. Roger is far from the "average" haki user, he's probably one of the strongest ones. From Kaido's perspective it may make sense though considering the kind of pirate he is
You would have think that Haki would be the strongest power in the OP verse, but in reality, devil fruits are the keys to the defeats of Yonko. Kidd and Law defeats Big Mom using DFs, Whitebeard uses his DF more than his haki, Admirals uses their DFs more than haki, etc.
Kaido doesn't have the answers it's why he hasn't made the progress he thought he would make from when he was younger. He is stifled by his inability to figure out what he needs to do to get to that next level, strongest creature sure, but he ain't the strongest being in the OP-verse. If he was he would be PK by now.

Oda mentions that if Sakazuki was a pirate (or something to the effect) he would find the One Piece in 2 years. These old ass yonkou pushing into retirement and can't figure it out or break out of the power deadlock.

Kaido doesn't know what he is talking about, only what he believes to be the answer. Furthermore, his "era" ended when Whitebeard died, he is just looking to go out in a flashy way.

Big Mom mentions he was basically one of the runts in Rocks' crew and that her handing him the mythical zoan fruit allowed him to reach new heights, how ironic is that. Without that fruit his resilience/endurance would be less than half of what it is.


Zoro Worshipper
You would have think that Haki would be the strongest power in the OP verse, but in reality, devil fruits are the keys to the defeats of Yonko. Kidd and Law defeats Big Mom using DFs, Whitebeard uses his DF more than his haki, Admirals uses their DFs more than haki, etc.
Some devil fruits can be extensively proficient at the very least
Big Mom came with AcoA and AcoC and Adoc and Amoc and got Afucced by A-Law and A-Kidd
Post automatically merged:

The case, it is closed
Katakuri had superior Haki to Luffy. Luffy surpassed him. Kaido is wrong. Next question.

In fact Luffy destroyed both Boa Sisters mid diff, who were good Haki users

We've known Haki isn't the be all end all. Luffy straight up ignored Kaido and kept on doing what he was doing.

Luffy wouldn't beat Katakuri without FS
Luffy had to learn Haki to go to the NW
Katakuri tinha Haki superior a Luffy. Luffy o superou. Kaido está errado. Próxima questão.

Na verdade, Luffy destruiu as duas irmãs Boa, que eram bons usuários de Haki

Nós sabemos que Haki não é o fim de tudo. Luffy ignorou Kaido e continuou fazendo o que estava fazendo.


EEspere um minuto. Eu acredito fortemente que Kaidou se referiu a Haki/Vontade/Determinação, e isso tudo é alto em usuários de CoC.

Por exemplo, no capítulo 924, Kaidou se pergunta se Luffy realmente tem um "espírito de luta forte", e se essa foi a razão pela qual seus olhos não saíram. Logo depois Kaidou descobre que Luffy tem CoC. Então é por isso que Luffy tinha aquele espírito inabalável de luta/vontade/Haki.

Kaidou's speech is only for those who dispute the top of the world, a STRONG CONQUEROR with his unwavering Haki overcomes any DF.
Luffy wouldn't beat Katakuri without FS
Luffy had to learn Haki to go to the NW
That's not true at all. Luffy specifically mentioned he can wear out his FS. He said Katakuri's Haki would get weaker GUARANTEED. Oda literally used that word. He waited for 2-3 hours in the closet so everyone could recharge. He simply chose to train FS to "surpass" Katakuri.

And regardless the point is that Luffy's Haki did not surpass Katakuri. Katakuri had everything Luffy had + superior CoA.
Kidd not having aCoC and not showing any CoC outside anime makes no sense... and law not having it too... Since both of those character are way stronger than zoro who has aCoC and aCoA... in Kaidos words zoro should be supperior but he is not.... what am I not understanding here? is oda retckoning ? since DF like enels in hes own words would make namy unbeatable exept by luffy for obvious reasons... also DFs like magma and light clearly beats all haki
You are just butthurt that Zoro got Adv CoC

Zoro lives in your heads rent free
Cope harder

It was shit writing for Kid not to have ACoC, but it has nothing to do with zoro or how kid compares to him.

ACoC was portrayed to be such a powerful ability that Luffy was literally getting 1 shot by Kaido low diff without it. Linlin was portrayed to have haki comparable to kaido when they split the sky.
Yet Oda completely glossed over Linlin's CoC in her fight and never showed her using it offensively once on panel, despite her clearly being pushed to at least high diff(if not extreme diff). The best we got was speed stating that Linlin was using it off screen.

So yeah. Oda wanted Kid and Law to 2v1 Linlin, but didn't want to give them the tools to face Linlin's haki, so he just off-screened Linlin using it and gave Linlin plot induced retardation in the chapters in which he did focus on Kid and Law vs Big Mom.