Gorosei Informer

The whole Raid failing depends on that Act 3 has to be tragedy. Thats why he ignores every tragedy moment until Act 3 ends.
He conditioned himself that only the end of Act 3 has to be this great tragedy but he is forgetting this is One Piece.

I dont like YouTubers and this Twitter drama showed us their Real face. In the Twitter drama some guy said i like tobiroppo fights now and Morj snapped afterwards "But we all didnt like it when it first came out." Ughh i hate when other people forcing their opinion to other persons. Well i am glad now that people start to see his toxic side.
Before that it was like a cult. You couldnt say a bad thing for him.

That Oden theory is hillarious Lol. :gokulaugh:
Completely agree man. A lot of OP fans make fun of these Youtubers for getting mad when the story doesn't go their way and how they start slandering the series and Oda after publicly worshipping them on their channels so much for so long. They're exposing their own grifts and facades in these very moments.

Exactly, it really is a cult.
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