Versus Battle Gandalf (LOR) vs Dumbledore(HP)


I will never forgive Oda
Gandalf with his complete power, as in restricted Ainur powers? Or what his peak as Gandalf allows for? If it’s the former than Duumbledore doesn’t stand a chance. His power and magic cannot compete. I think the latter can be argued as Gandalf was heavily restricted while walking Middle Earth. I don’t believe he’d ever access his greater powers to compete with a mortal, no matter how strong.
The point is, that lore Gandalf is a (very small) Universe feat character and so this match is a spite.

If we only take the magician side of Gandalf (without his Maiar Powers) Dumbledore can win against because of the elder wand and the multitude of his spells.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Gandalf probably wins, he fought Durin's Bane and won, Dumbledore isn't necessarily a battle wizard, so much as he is just a great wizard.

Great Wizard in Harry Potter =/= Battle Mage


I will never forgive Oda
Gandalf probably wins, he fought Durin's Bane and won, Dumbledore isn't necessarily a battle wizard, so much as he is just a great wizard.

Great Wizard in Harry Potter =/= Battle Mage
Dumbledore is/was known as the greatest wizard of his age, the only one capable of stopping Grindlewald when he had the Elder Wand and the only being Voldemort feared. It's just the fact he's stuck up against a demi-divine, immortal entity like Gandalf that blows for him.